01/08/2019 - tuesday

We got some whole wheat crackers from the bright horizons front desk. Ella held them and got in the car. She sat in the seat, waved the cracker in the air, said 我可以吃饼干吗。Then said in a squeaky voice 可以,我已经熟了。我。。我。。还不生呢。

We wanted to go to baskets for dinner. Mimi kept asking 想去microsoft, 想吃东西 during the ride, cumulated to wooo whines right before we got to baskets. I said she'd have to wait in the car if she continued whining. We arrived at basket and found it closed. I told the girls we'll try another restaurant because it closed. Mimi quietly said mimi哭了。 I asked if the restaurant was closed because mimi cried. Mimi didn't say anything. I said we'll go try kings. Mimi again quietly said mimi哭了。

We sat down at kings. The waitress really liked Ella and chatted with her. She asked if she was the big sister, or mimi was the big sister. Ella said 不是。The waitress asked who was the big sister. Ella tilted her head, said 我是海豹。

The girls were eating goldfish when the waitress came to take order. She asked if the girls could share some goldfish with her. Ella immediately said 不可以。The waitress pleaded again. Ella said 可是。。这是我妈妈给我的呀。The waitress said she was starving, what could she do. Ella looked at her, opened and closed her mouth for a few seconds, nothing came out. The waitress commented she was cute and left.

First day of holiday vacation, when we arrived at lao lao's, the girls noticed a cantaloupe and melon lao lao bought for them. I offered them to the girls as pets. At night, Ella requested the melon go up with her and tried to lift it. Mimi followed, and the girls slept with the melons. The next day lao lao opened the melons and gave to the girls, the girls loved their 哈密瓜。And continued to ask for more 哈密瓜 the whole vacation.

On the weekend when I showered the girls, I took off my clothes, Ella pointed at my boobs and asked 这个是什么?I asked if she was pointing to my boobs. She said 这个大大的是什么。I said they were my cantaloupes, and they used to drink milk from them, until they flattened.

The waitress asked the girls how old were they. Ella said 我已经是大女孩儿了。The waitress asked how big she was. Ella paused, said 我在妈妈的肚子了。妈妈有哈密瓜。我喝了奶。哈密瓜就憋了。She said 憋 with a super cern face, pinched her hands together like making crab hands, and emphasized the word.

The waitress asked again if Ella was the big sister. Ella smiled and said 我是海豹,again. The waitress commented she's still not human. Ella said 我是女孩儿。The waitress said she could see because of her long hair. She could also see Mimi's long hair. Ella said Mimi是男孩儿。The waitress was confused. After the waitress left. I asked if Mimi was 男孩儿。Mimi pointed at her cheeks, said 我是姥爷。


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