01/02/2019 - wednesday

In morning I was waken by girl cry. I came out and found Ella in the hallway. Unknown how door was open. Mimi toddled out and stood right behind Ella with her chest on her back. I came and kneeled down in front of Ella. Mimi ran back into the room, laid down, and I thought she laid without moving, but I didn't have my glasses on. Ella kept saying 想下楼。 We held hands and came downstairs. She then led me into the kitchen and repeated 想吃东西。 I requested her go to the bathroom first. She seemed reluctant. I said I needed to pee. She hurridely took me to the bathroom. I peed, then put on her toilet seat. She whined 要冲走要冲走。 I flushed. Ella sat on the toilet and peed. Her diaper was dry. While she was peeing, Mimi cried 妈妈 nonstop from upstairs. I cleaned up Ella, got Mimi, put her on the toilet. Mimi's diaper was also dry and she also took a big pee. After Mimi peed, she cried 要蓝莓,Ella joined and they both ran to the kitchen. I left their pee unflushed.

After eating lan mei Mimi went to look at the counter, then pulled out a drawer and tried to step into it like a ladder. I asked her to use her chair instead. She dragged her chair over, and got the durian cookies box. I got the cookie tray out and split a cookie for them. They really liked them and ate three, before I hid the rest.

It was early so I wanted to make some eggs for lunch. I took out a pot and started putting eggs in. Mimi started repeating 我要吃鸡蛋 rhythmically, like a protester. I offered her an egg, asked if she'd like the raw egg. She said 不要。把它煮了吧!And swiped at the pot. I started boiling the eggs. After a bit Mimi started repeating 我要吃鸡蛋 again. So I fried an egg, split it and put in two plates for the girls. Mimi forked one piece, chewed it up, then spit it out, said 他辣。 I asked her if it was spicy, she said it was not. I asked her if she'd like it spicy, she said yes. I sprayed pepper on it. She ate a few pieces. Ella was not interested at all.

I went to clean up in the bathroom. After a while, Mimi came in with a drenched piece of tissue, said 全都湿了。我要新的。I asked her to put the tissue into the garbage can and she did. I returned to the kitchen and found the girls had filled the milk into the cookie tray and their plates, drowning the eggs. I started cleaning up and informed them there will be beatings. Mimi burstily exclaimed 我要自己擦干净!我自己擦!I gave the girls a piece of tissue each and they wiped very diligently, even Ella. On the floor and on the table, they looked for where it was wet and wiped. They drenched their tissues and asked for new ones. After cleaning up, I hit the girls. The girls cried. I kissed the girls. The girls stopped crying. Mimi whimpered 我要喝牛奶。Ella said 我憋不住了。 I took Ella to the bathroom.

Ella sat on the toilet, farted a huge fart. We laughed. Ella said 妈妈你跟我道歉。I said sorry I shouldn't have hit your hands. She did the 打架,哼我生你的气了,和好 routine. We hugged, while hugging Ella said 我们不可以吵架呦。吵架不能好好过新年哟。吵架不能好好过圣诞哟。And repeated a bunch about how after new year it'll be christmas, and christmas we go to grand parents' place. I pulled out the ladder to have her rest her feet. She was somehow too short and couldn't reach it. I put the baby wipes on the step and asked her if she could reach, she said 我不能踩小屁股纸。我踩小屁股纸小屁股纸会疼的。 I took the tissue away. She seemed content. I said I'll go apologize to Mimi and will be back.

Mimi was at the computer room table reading the groover book. I said to her sorry I shouldn't have hit your hands. Mimi said cutely sorry 小地板,sorry 小桌子。I returned to the bathroom and found Ella sitting on the ladder with bare butt. Luckily she didn't poop.

James and I went to Costco shopping before coming home. The girls were reading a book with lao lao so I had plenty of time to hide the good stuff. Both girls' chairs were by the counter, looked like used as ladders. Mimi came into the kitchen and climbed on a chair, opened the new town box and said 要吃蛋糕。 I got the sponge cake out but unfortunately it was moldy. I got a bag of salty popcorners and split for her and Ella. Ella was happy, Mimi grunted, said 不要,这不是甜点。 She asked for the xiao dan gao a few more times, then seemed to accept my moldy description.

I was talking to lao lao and Mimi noticed the box of oranges on the ground, started saying 我要橘子。 I continued talking to lao lao. Mimi suddenly yelled 我要橘子我求你了!I opened the box and she picked an orange.

I peeled orange at the table. Mimi got a popcorner and bent it in half. She got another one and bent it in half. I asked her to stop destroying the little triangles. She said cutely sorry 小三角。小三角太大了。我帮他变小。She looked at me peel the orange. She grabbed a piece and said burstily 小橘子碗儿!She got another big piece of peel, pushed it to Ella and said 又一个小橘子碗儿。 I put a few pieces of orange in the peels. Mimi ate diligently, biting, sucking, and chewing. Ella ate a tiny piece. And wringed a few pieces out of juice.


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