12/20/2018 - thursday

In the morning Ella came in the bathroom with hai bao, a mischievous smiling face, and closed the door shut. She asked for "要暖和一点", and pointed at the heater. I turned it on. She plopped in front of it chuckling. She then requested me to unfold the ladder, so hai bao could "打开灯关上灯打开灯关上灯打开灯关上灯。" I did and she climbed up, but got distracted by the dragon picture. I finished cleaning up and we came out of the bathroom. I pack my lunch and got James, we headed to the door. Ella stood at the coffee table by the sofa, said "不要打扰我。" I bid her goodbye. She stretched her arms open, said "我们抱抱亲亲拜拜吧。来我的办公室抱抱亲亲吧。" I went over and she gave me a neck hug and lots of kisses, said "我们在我的臭!办公室。" I left, she said "我会想念你的。" Lao lao reminded Mimi we were leaving, Mimi de de de flew ran to us, gave ba ba a huge hug, then give my legs a huge hug. I bent down and brushed her hair and her cheek, so soft. She said in the softest cute voice "我会想念你的。" Then ran to Ella and got her hai bao. We left.

At night we said after good night music sounded the girls can't eat anymore. After 5 minutes I sounded the music. I started taking away the brocolli. Mimi had one in her mouth, took it out, said 欸,让这个菜花回家。She went back to the table and picked up the bread, said 面包要回到袋子家里。I gave her a container, she dropped in the bread, said 面包要回到盒子家里。She went and got the milk, said 牛奶要回到冰箱家里。We put it back too.

When it was time for bed, Ella cried downstairs. James and Mimi already went upstairs. Mimi said 哦,姐姐在楼下哭。我们去救他吧。James asked her to lay down and he'll get Ella. Mimi said 我们一起去救他。She de de de ran outside, yelled 我来啦。I hear her tumble downstairs, then heard a couple cries from Ella. Then heard Mimi say 哦?姥姥在surrey呢。She and James got Ella upstairs.


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