
I woke up and went downstairs to the bathroom. Mimi kept running into the bathroom to give me "大机器。" Probably referring to the 小人儿帮藏书 book's construction machines. She would count from 1 to 20, skipping many in the middle, then say "站起来" or "立起来。" Possibly referring to the construction scenes.

The girls play pretended hai bao ba ba and hai bao ma ma. Mimi would throw hai bao down somewhere and run some distance away, Ella would pick hai bao up, repeat "抚摸海豹", "海豹爸爸没了", "wah wah", "我带你去找爸爸", pet hai bao with squeezed face, deliver to Mimi. A few times after Ella presented Mimi the hai bao, Ella wouldn't let go, but after some tucks would give to Mimi.

The girls ate frozen berries. After eating Ella refused to wash hands, she de de de ran around the dining table. She plopped down by the 14只老鼠 book by the wall. I warned her to not touch the book with her dirty hands. She poked the book with her foot, said "妈妈你的干净手可以碰书吗。" I declined to help. After a while I noticed she was flipping the book by herself after I tended to Mimi. I got some baby wipes and wiped her hands.

When I was taking shower, the girls played in the bathroom. Mimi opened door from one side, then from the other, then back to this side. She got splashed a little and squinted her eyes. But she braved and kept on her switching door mission. I quickly finished showering and started showering the girls.

I gave Ella a teapot. She put it at the ledge of the bathtub. After a while Mimi got it. Ella said 这是我的茶壶。 Mimi said the same. They fought a little bit, I gave Ella a little cup. Ella grumpily slapped the water with the cup in the corner. Mimi said "我给你一点茶吧。" Ella said "不要。" Mimi got a little fish out of the teapot and gave it to Ella, said "给你鱼。" Ella said "不要。" Mimi angrily threw the fish at Ella. Ella whined "ENNN mimi 把我弄湿了。" They fought for a bit and some water splash made Ella laugh, and Mimi laughed too. Mimi got the little sponge all soaked, slung it around, water splashed everywhere, Ella laughed, Mimi laughed and slung wilder. The girls laughed and played.

I came downstairs to get new clothes for the girls. The girls sounded distressed so ba ba went upstairs to take a look. Ba ba found the girls were using the silverware spoons they demanded and I gave earlier to hit each other's head. Ba ba reported there was a lot of dong dong sounds. Then the girls took turns HAing to threaten each other. One Mimi HA hit Ella's hair and Ella bawled. I came upstairs just then and we took the girls out and started dressing them.

I was putting lotion on Ella, Ella kept slapping my hand and turning her butt. I asked her what's up, she said "lou lou 太多。" I asked would her like just a little more lolo. She said "要lou lou." I put some on her again, but she slapped my hand again, said "太多lou lou。" I gave up lotioning her. Afterwards she wouldn't put on pants. I tried to put on the cute red checker shirt on her, she squirmed away, said "我不要男孩儿的衣服。" It's true Mimi likes to call that shirt her 男孩儿衣服。 Ella whined "我不穿裤子。要裙子。" I got the sweater dress with the dog and the heart blouses from downstairs and asked her to pick. Ella said "我要红色的裙子。" I gave her the blouse, she whined quietly "但是不要有小心的。" I remembered a pink princess dress in the storage room and got it, Ella lit up when she saw it and immediately let me put it on. She let me put on one pair of pants. When I tried to put another pair on top, she said "穿多裤子会让公主疼的。" I let her be. The dress fit perfectly, the other in the pair was actually a little small, it was good Ella asked.

We left home. Mimi fell asleep immediately in the car. Ella fell silent, after 5 minutes we chatted about what to get at meet fresh. We decided to get a 豆花 and a grass jelly, and finish the jelly in the car so the girls don't know. Suddenly from backseat Ella said "我们去哪里啊。" We ignored her. Ella said "我饿了。" We ignored her. When we got to meet fresh Ella was still awake. I took her with me.

We got out of the car and ella held my hand and started running. Said 快一点。如果ella不吃豆花的话。ella会饿死的。 the line was 10 people long. I got a menu. I showed it to Ella, ella took it and refused to give it back, stating it 是小人儿的,不是大人的。 I got another menu. Ella asked 哪个是豆花啊。I pointed out the row of tofu drinks. She looked for a good half minute. Said 我要这个豆花。and pointed at the 3rd grass jelly from the right. Not on the row I pointed out at all. I asked a few times afterwards, she always pointed at the same grass jelly.

Ella held the buzzer and waited cutely, the buzz stunned her. I opened the spoons and gave one to Ella. I got the tofu drink, and an extra bowl, and pour the syrup in the extra bowl. Ella immediately started spooning the syrup and drinking it. I put the lid on the syrup bowl and Ella went to eat the tofu. She finished all the tofu. I asked if she wanted another bowl. She said "我吃完了。我吃饱了。" We stood inline again to get another for Mimi. After I got the box and packed, she excitedly asked to hold the bag. She carried it all the way back to the car. On the way I thanked Ella for carrying and thanked her for Mimi. Ella said "mimi 累了。mimi 说我不用吃豆花了。" I asked what would we do with dou hua. Ella said "ella 吃豆花。"

After dropping by google. Ella said 想吃小圈圈。 So I sat in the back of the car on the ride. Mimi said 海豹也要吃。 I put one in haibao's mouth. Mimi dug in the mouth for a while, pulled out the cheerio, exclaimed 是小圈圈! The next time I gave one to Ella, Ella said 不,海豹也要吃。 I informed her hai bao got one already. She put her mouth in my hand, and sucked all the quan quans in. She did this all the while until quan quan's ran out.


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