
In the morning, the girls went to a new library to explore. Mimi decided to take a book with her. She held the book through explorations. They saw all the decorations, and they found a giant lego display. Mimi and ella tried to sneak beyond the curtained area, but dada said “if you touch it with your hand, we have to hit that hand”. And then they stood as close as they could do it, and thought about sneaking in. They were warring with themselves.

On the 2nd floor, the girls explored couches and chairs. Mimi left her book on a chair. The adults called her for the book, but she bounced forward without looking back. She went straight to a book shelf and took a big fiction book. She was forced to hold her picture book instead. On the 3rd floor the girls found pcs. Mimi abandoned book for "看电视" and chair workouts.

The girls were taken to dimsum. Lao lao and lao ye found them at the table. The girls saw lao lao and lao ye and couldn't stop giggling and cackling. They turned wildly and flung at lao lao and lao ye. Mimi was strapped down eventually. Xiao E didn't eat much. She fought to stay awake at the table. She was nodding off and bobbing her head. She would droop her head, then scare herself awake, and start the next droop. Mimi was sort of fading too. She closed her eyes when asked, but opened them to cackle. Xiao E regained her strength during the ride, Mimi fell asleep.

The girls were put down for nap. They were not happy. Ba ba went upstairs to soothe Ella. He felt something swatting at his butt while petting Ella. He thought, it must be sneaky mimi trying to get some attention, she gets none! Then the swatting stopped and he heard a rustling of a crib mattress. Mimi was swaying back and forth, standing in the crib. Now she was asking dada to pick her up and take her down to play. No, mimi must nap and ella must be soothed. After ella was more peaceful, dada left the room and both of them raged. Soothing failed. Binky to the rescue.

At dinner time, the girls have developed a taste for vegetables. Ella didn’t want anything but cabbage. No bread or chicken, just cabbage and a little bit of grapes. Mimi ate some chicken and then a bunch of cabbage and grapes too. When it was time to clean up mimi, she was not eating anymore and playing with her tray. When dada tried to take the tray away, mimi started to wolf down the remaining grapes. She took several pieces of grapes and stuffed them in her mouth.

At bath time, mimi kept scrubbing the bath tub and said “mimi 擦木头”. She was corrected on the material, but went back to 木头 after a while. She also "给妈妈洗脚" and "洗ella头". She spooned some water with the shower spoon and poured on xiao E's head, xiao E was not pleased. Mimi was laid down to wash hair. Xiao E stared at Mimi's flowing hair in the water, said “mimi 的头发没了?”. She refused to elaborate the reason for her statement.


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