
The girls woke up early. They were pampered by lao lao. The adults woke up to find their face covered in orange, from yam and orange. There was a little car track that lao lao was showing the girls how to use. Mimi would put the car on top of the track and push the car down. Ella learned to use the little flip launcher to lift the car so it slides down by itself.

The girls were offered the little blackberry as music player. Ma ma took xiao E and the blackberry to fix her hair. Xiao E held the blackberry and turned left and right, examined the bathroom she haven't seen in a long time. Ma ma took her down, confiscated her blackberry. She sounded urgent grunts. Ma ma promised upcoming little apple. Xiao E temporarily stopped grunting. Her brows farrowed until she was brought upstairs, ma ma's cellphone set up, and the video loaded. Xiao E came downstairs to find Mimi holding the blackberry and grooving in the car. Xiao E came at Mimi with vicious face. Mimi was taken to hair station accompanied by little apple. Both girls were interested in the big brush in the bathroom. They didn't seem to believe it was the 大木梳 ma ma said it was.

The girls were taken to bubble 88. The girls ate some cereals. The adults directed them to look to the food on the wall, and pinched some for them to eat. They cooperated and made nomnom gestures.

In the car ride, the girls had a conversation. Xiao E: "大球". Mimi: "No!". Xiao E: "大球". Mimi: "No!". Repeated for a minute.

The girls were taken to the library. Mimi was playing with the magnet board with numbers and letters. They're learning numbers now and know the numbers but aren't good at counting yet. Dada was asking mimi each number and mimi was very insistent that the number 3 is actually 1. And then she would skip numbers.

Xiao E was in the corner reading. She lifted her head, focused on a snowman far away, said "雪人儿...", raised her hand, said "hii~~". She was allowed to see the snowman up close. She pointed at the berries and said "两个梅梅". She was confused about the three berry cluster. Despite always counting to three.

The girls were offered coloring paper and crayons. The girls put up a fight to gain control of the pointy color pencils. Their flailing air grabs only confirmed their unworthiness. Eventually distracted by the adults. Mimi focused on coloring, scribbled all over the page. Ella was more reserved, taking a crayon and making some dots and then changing to a new crayon. Mimi crazily colored bear black. Ma ma asked what she was drawing. Mimi suddenly stopped, looked at bear with disbelieve, and looked really shocked by what she did to bear. The girls were into putting the crayons back and picking new ones.

The girls came back to grandparents'. Lao lao prompted Mimi to 问老爷他去哪儿啦. Mimi continued walking pass lao ye, said "问老爷他去哪儿啦".

Lao ye played with xiao E. Mimi played by the car. Mimi opened the door, climbed into the car, slouched under the wheel, climbed on to the seat, sometimes with a foot on the top side of the car, opened the door, and climbed out. She repeated, sometimes standing really really tall. She really like sitting in that car and playing with toys. One time the car door didn't really open well, so she was hanging on with her face about a foot from the ground. She was whimpering for help, but wasn't really in any danger.

Xiao E hid the blackberry under the high chair seat cushion. The adults were confused where the music came from. When ma ma took the blackberry out, xiao E ran over, said "ella 的手机", and took it.

The girls saw lao ye off to walk with frank. The girls were offered a piece of string. Each girls held onto one side and walked back and forth. Xiao E eventually claimed the string. She said "遛狗, 遛狗". So she was offered a toy dog tied to the string. She picked up the dog by the string, said "狗狗尿尿", and took it away. Mimi was also offered a gou gou. She took gou gou for rides. The girls occasionally murmured something about "go to your beda".

At dinner, the girls ate a bunch of cauliflower. That's unusual, they actually liked it. They were requesting to eat more of it.

After dinner, grandpa pulled out a very out of tune violin and played a little bit for the girls. The first little bit of play was painful sounding since it was so out of tune. The girls sat nicely for a few minutes while lao ye tuned. Then Mimi started whimpering. Lao ye asked what the violin was. Mimi murmured "no!", stood up, and walked away. She couldn't resist and came back to play.


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