
Xiao E woke up early. Whined all the way downstairs until milk was put in the microwave, she said "妈妈$@#%奶奶$#@ DING", looked at the milk spin until microwave ding'ed, then continued whining. She was offered milk and left alone. She played by herself while the adults got a little more sleep. Until Mimi siren was sounded.

Mimi was taken out of bedroom. She saw the pile of blankets outside the door, said "小白狗". She was requested the look closer. She looked and looked and looked and stayed silent.

In the car the girls were offered cereals to snack on. Mimi dug in and grabbed a fistful. Ma ma stopped her and asked to only take one. She lowered her fist, carefully got one, looked at ma ma for approval, then ate it. Xiao E grabbed one as usual. The girls took turns. One time Mimi grabbed two, she looked at ma ma and her fist back and forth, then turned towards the window and stuffed the cereals in her mouth. Ma ma allowed the girls to take two. Xiao E still took just one. Mimi took three or four at once.

Dimsum chair had no buckle. The girls wilded. Ella ate some chicken feet, she actually liked it as long as you removed the bones. She wasn't that hungry though, so she went outside to play a little bit. There were some lion statues outside the restaurant and ella said hi and poked them in the nose. She was too afraid to touch their teeth.

Gor gor was taken to airport. The adults talked about how hoarse the poor girls' voices were. As on cue, Mimi screamed "看到OOOOO" in the hoarsest voice. She saw an excavator. The car turned a corner and she couldn't see it anymore, she said "挖土机看不着, 挖土机bye byeeeeee". The girls were asked where gor gor was flying to, they said "hawaii". Everything flew to hawaii to eat coconut. Mimi bye bye'ed gor gor while he was walking away, then was distracted by birds on the door and bye bye'ed 鸟鸟.

Both girls started diminishing in the car. Xiao E was quiet and fought to keep her eyes open. Her eyes finally closed. Suddenly her eyes opened, she said "国旗". Ma ma turned to see there was a flag flying by the high way. Ma ma turned back to xiao E, her eyes were closed, she was fast asleep. 

The girls were taken to costco. After much whining about "水水eii\/eii\/eiii\/" ma ma let xiao E taste a little coffee. She wanted more, she was denied. The girls chomped cereals coated in berry smoothie.

On the drive home the girls were offered the story of tadpoles finding ma ma. When an animal told the tadpoles she wasn't their ma ma, xiao E would repeat "不像". The girls were offered music and stayed quiet. The adults inquired if they were asleep, Mimi said "NO!".

At home the girls were asked to put the blocks away to make room. Mimi had been bullied by xiao E and was whiny and stamping around. Ma ma asked xiao E to get the blocks from the far corners. She gladly got them. Ma ma asked xiao E to get a block from behind the ball. Xiao E slowly went to the ball, lifted it, and said "没有". Ma ma requested her to look again, she looked, then went to the exercise ball, said "大球?". She went around the exercise ball, said "没有". Ma ma directed her back to the small ball. Mimi went before her, picked up the block, and offered to xiao E. Xiao E delivered the block to ma ma.

Ma ma went to get a book. Ma ma turned to see Mimi holding ma ma's cellphone in both hands, stretched out, she said "给妈妈的手机".

Xiao E remembered some animals in the brown bear book. She announced them before the page was flipped.

The neighbour golden came out. Mimi ran to the window and spied on her from the corner. Xiao E also ran to the window, while the golden had her back to the girls. The golden then turned, spotted the girls, and ran to the fence. The girls cackled and ran away from the window.

The girls were taken to burger. They ate well, then xiao E rioted. Mimi was still "要酸奶". Ba ba took xiao E for a walk. Mimi saw xiao E leave and said "NOOOOO". She refused to eat, traced xiao E walking outside and said many angry NOOOOs and many urgent "不要开门". She either meant "ma ma denied her kai men", or "mi yao kai men". When asked where she'd like to go, she murmured something about "打鼓". Possibly referring to the lyrics in 大王叫我来巡山, where the monkey sang "don't ask me where I'm going, I'm drumming my drum". Xiao E came back cold. The girls were offered music videos. Xiao E watched intently. Mimi watched sparingly while wiping the table.

The girls were taken to RTC. Mimi ran to the carousal and stood at the fence. When the carousal stopped, she dragged ma ma's hand, pointed at the gate, said "开门". Once on the horse, Mimi said "不要骑马". The horse moved, Mimi slouched down, laid flat on the horse on her tummy, held on to the rod with her dear life. The horse stopped, Mimi demanded "要出去".

The girls were taken to see the train. They stared at the train as it drove away. The girls were taken to bubble tea. On the walk, Mimi went to the carousal fence and stared. The adults inquire if she'd like to ride, Mimi replied "不要骑马". The girls made it to the bubble tea shop and examined the ornament train going in and out of the tunnel.

The girls were taken to see lights. Mimi announced a lot of "房子灯", counted a lot starting from two and occasionally jumping to twenty x. Xiao E announced a lot of "雪花" and "星星". Ma ma took the girls to the head turn deer. Mimi was traumatized. She was then happy to see many lights, until she was taken close to another deer, and she said "不要鹿!". The girls ran into a wind chime. When it chimed, Mimi squeezed close eyes and covered her face. Ma ma said the chimes and the deers and the lights were coming to kiss Mimi, Mimi started slapping at the air and said "打! 不要灯!". Christmas tree calmed Mimi.

Ba ba reported Xiao E was caught reading the ladybug book. Ba ba inquired what she was reading, xiao E said "看瓢虫书uuu" in the cutest little voice. Mimi bounced over from her corner play and asked "ba ba 要书吗?". She had no book. Ba ba offered her the game box with the alligator. Mimi held it, looked at it, and dropped it.

Ba ba reported mimi said that she had a poop. Ba ba asked if she was stinky, Mimi said "很臭". There was no poop.

The girls were offered body parts story in english. Each girl held a monkey. After pointing at a body part, they were asked to point at the body part on their monkeys. The girls did very well. Until eye, xiao E pushed her monkey's fur to try to find its very hidden eyes. Then ear, Mimi said "猴猴没有ear". When asked to look again, she pointed at the ear.


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