
In the morning the girls got ready to travel to surrey. The girls played with panda backpacks, they got into fight. The girls bounced on the big ball, they got into fight. The girls bounced on the small ball, they got into fight. The girls held ma ma's hands and charged at each other, they were super happy. They said "打架!", let ma ma bump their fists together, cackled wildly, backed apart, charged again.

The girls ate a banana in the car. Xiao E angrily groaned every time Mimi took a bite. The girls then ate some gold fish. Xiao E babbled while eating. Mimi became quiet, fought to keep her eyes open. For fun ma ma offered her a fish, she suddenly opened her eyes and grabbed the fish, then her arm fell as suddenly, her eyes closed, she stopped moving. For fun ma ma stuffed the fish in her lips, she woke up and started babbling.

The girls were taken to 85c. Xiao E spotted the "雪人儿" on the counter window. Mimi looked sleepy and unfocused, couldn't spot the snowman when asked. She was lifted up close to the snowman, her eyes still unfocused, she shook her head, focused on the lights, said "灯灯", and pinched the lights. Xiao E demanded to be lifted, so both were offered to climb a couch. Mimi fell on her head, maybe still too sleepy, she was offered a sighting of the big snowman on the wall and was distracted. The girls had some buns and fell asleep.

The car slowed down at the border, the girls woke up. They were offered some 拉锁 to 打开 and 合上. The girls often referred themselves as "你". Mimi said "帮你" when she wanted help. Xiao E opened her zipper, looped it around her arm, said "戴手套".

The girls arrived at lao lao's happy. Frank was also happy, barky and wild. The girls cackled and ran to the wall to avoid wild frank who wanted to kick and lick them. Xiao E immediately horded lao lao. Mimi pushed cart, box, 熊熊. Xiao E was offered swing. She happily swung. After a while she lazily sat in the swing and let lao lao swing her, lifting her legs up and put them in weird poses. Mimi anxiously came back to the swing again and again "en"ing. After a while lao lao lifted xiao E out. Mimi bounced to the swing, pushed xiao E out of the way and tried to climb up. She was offered lao lao swing fun.

The girls were taken out for a walk. Xiao E held ma ma's hand and came downstairs. Then she refused to walk. She extended one hand, waited untill lao lao came down with Mimi, and grabbed lao lao's hand. The road was too narrow for 4 people hand in hand. Ma ma asked if a xiao one would like to let go of lao lao's hand and hold ma ma's. Both "bu yao"'ed ma ma. Lao lao urged xiao E to go hold the dog string. Xiao E wouldn't let go of lao lao's hand and shuffled forward slowly, Mimi ran in front of xiao E and got hold of the leash.

The girls were taken a few blocks down and then back. Both girls recognized lao lao's door when they came back to it. Mimi arrived at lao lao's steps first, she stopped walking, looked up and said "开门". She was urged to walk more. Xiao E came after a while, she stopped, said  "摇摇摇" and made the swing arms. She was urged to walk more. The girls came back and the adults abandoned them for sushi.

Lao lao reported the girls were very good at putting shapes back into the wood puzzles. They examined the board, then put back an animal in one drop. While she was saying this, xiao E picked up a car, put it in a spot, the right spot, but upside down. She turned and turned the car and "en"'ed, then offered to ma ma.

Lao lao reported xiao E picked up Frank's water and tipped it over herself. She said "哗哗哗啦". Lao lao gave her a change and wiped the floor. The girls also took paper and helped lao lao wipe. They wiped and wiped and wiped everywhere, while saying "干活".

Earlier in the day, Xiao E stood on the ledge of the high chair while playing with the buckle. The adults were amused and took pictures. The adults went to do other things. They turned to find xiao E climbed onto the foot stand. She continued to climb into the chair and sit. Later xiao E climbed into the swing. Then later she climbed into the high chair again.


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