
The girls were taken to DTF. Mimi was offered a blanket on her lap. She accepted it happily saying "盖被". Xiao E rejected hers. Mimi stuck her hand inside the folds of the blanket and said "戴手套". Xiao E stretched forward to look at Mimi, said "要手套" and whimpered. She was offered blanket, but she whimpered and threw it away. After hearing more happy squeaks from Mimi, xiao E eventually accepted blanket.

Din tai fung noodles and red bean bun pleased the xiao ones. They were taken to bellevue square. The girls wilded while the adults shopped. The girls were tuckered out. Mimi fell asleep on the walk back to the car, xiao E fell asleep not long after. Both woke up when ma ma accidentally played loud videos. Mimi was in a good mood. After looking around a bit, made eye contact with ma ma and said "hi you" (hello). She grabbed ma ma's hand and tried to fist bump, ma ma did not realize until she said "bie bang" many times. Xiao E was more distressed and cried all the way home. Mimi asked "wo wo 怎么啦?". Xiao E went down quickly after getting home and putting to bed. Mimi happily babbled for a long time, then accepted binky.

The girls woke up and had ba ba's tasty omelet. The girls were offered the monster game box as they changed diapers. Mimi called the monster "恐龙", ma ma said it was "小怪怪", Mimi said "Mimi错啦". The girls helped fold clothes. Xiao E stared at a pair of pants, then happily grabbed it, squeaked "螃蟹!". She unfolded it, it was a fox. She stared at it, then slowly said "狐狸". Later she saw ma ma put in a folded crab onesie and screamed "螃蟹!". Mimi helped fold and put clothes in the box, xiao E searched box for goodies. Xiao E picked up a onesie and said "狗狗". When ma ma pointed out the creature had horns, she thought for a while and said "鹿鹿".

The girls were taken for a walk. There were some new lights. Some dogs were walking with lights. They were impressed with 如意ah yi's flying santa lights. Bella barked when the girls walked through Mr. Tony's house. When informed it was bella gou gou barking, Mimi said "No Bella No!". Ba ba and gor gor picked up food and came home. Ba ba came out to welcome the xiao ones with a berger. Mimi ran to ba ba saying "baooo baaaaoooooo". Xiao E said "吃饭".

The girls ate and played a bunch. Ba ba sang 拔萝卜. When ba ba asked tu tu for help, MiMi said "No!", and tried to pull tu tu away. Ba ba asked ya ya for help, Mimi said "No!", picked up ya ya and ran away.


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