
Ma ma was peeing. The door opened a crack, ba ba nudged in a Mimi wearing sun glasses. Mimi said "Mimi 戴眼镜". She looked around, pointed at the barbage and said "脏". She worn glasses and took them off, and requested ma ma to put them on. She put them on top of her head and said "Mimi dai". She put them around her neck and said "带围巾". Ma ma pointed at the toilet and asked what it was, Mimi said "厕所". Mimi's hair was done. It was xiao E's turn. Ma ma asked xiao E what was the toilet, xiao E said "ma ma 在尿尿". When asked what was the garbage, she said "纸\/\/\/" with lots of 3rd tones.

Ma ma thanked Mimi for something, Mimi said "不客气".

Mimi requested to take 猴猴 with her to the car. The adults asked xiao E if she wanted to take her hou hou too, she said "hou hou 没了". Hou hou was found in a toy pile, xiao E fast walked to it and picked it up. Xiao E chucked hou hou in the car, then looked around and whimpered for 猴猴 with quiver voice. 猴猴was returned to her. She repeated again and again. 猴猴was confiscated. Mimi held on to hou hou and played, Mimi's hou hou clapped hands and stumped feet.

At the restaurant the adults ordered grilled cheesewich for the girls. The plate came with fries. The girls went cray "要条条". The adults hurried and cut cheeseewich, Mimi said "不要包包, 要条条". Xiao E slapped her cheesewich bite away, and demanded "要条条". The girls were provided tiao tiao. Xiao E dug in. Mimi like always was cautious about heat, she touched and said "烫, 烫", and whimpered and looked at xiao E ate for a little bit, then dug in.

The girls were taken to distillery tour. They loved running around. Xiao E happy scooted on the slippery floor. Mimi bounced around, asked for a brew sample, and was denied. The girls played with the door while adults listened to how whisky was made. Mimi pushed the door open first, but was cautious to step outside. Xiao E came and slipped into the crack propped open by Mimi. She was stuck in the crack for a bit, then wiggled through to the other side. Xiao E played peekaboo with (threatened) Mimi with horrible face expressions through the door. Mimi then made a crack for herself and wiggled through. She was distressed that the door didn't push from the other side, so she was let back in. Xiao E was happy playing on the other side of the door by herself. She was dragged along by the adults. The girls drummed the barrels. They were more interested in the huge machines.

The adults tasted whisky. The girls looked out of the distillery to the fire in front of the restaurant. They were so mesmerized ma ma could redo both their hair. They were taken to see the fire up close. They were not interested in the fire up close, they threw and licked the gravels. They were taken back to the distillery where there were bigger stones to lick.

Lily came out to keep the girls company. Mimi ran circles around Lily. Xiao E attempted going off the pedestrian walk many times. She was intrigued by the ledge of the raised steps, hovering over the big drop. The girls were led back inside.

The girls were taken to costco. The adults got a drink sample. The girls rioted to "喝水". They were offered some and got a taste of the sweet sweet juice. The adults got another drink sample. The girls rioted to "he shui". They were offered a tiny sip. They rioted more. The adults got a biscotti sample, the girls rioted to "吃饼干". They were offered a bite each but neither could chip the biscotti. Ba ba got a chocolate drink sample, dipped the biscotti, and the girls happily ate the softened sweet biscotti. Ma ma got a bread sample. Xiao E tried a bite and said "要包包, 不要饼干". .Mimi tried a bite and sai "不要包包, 要饼干". The girls finished their respective sample.

It was ba ba's birthday. He was too shy to celebrate. Everyone ate a lot. The girls chomped ba ba's delicious sauce noodles. Lily and Augi brought a delicious cake. The girls were offered some, but they were not into it. Mimi started "要草莓", she wanted the strawberries in the cake. The adults lied and said there was no cao mei. Mimi looked confused. Xiao E "要蓝莓", she wanted the blueberries in the cake. The adults turned the cake to hide the blueberries, saying there were only red berries. Mimi yelled "要草莓!". The girls were offered some sweet berry toppings. The girls were happy after eating and played lots with lily and augi and gor gor.

Mimi asked to put on gloves. She then happily high five'ed. Ma ma offered to fist bump her. She paused, extended her hands to ma ma and said "拿出来". Her gloves were removed, she fist bumped, then she said "戴手套". She was regloved. She continued high five. Lily and Augi requested fist bumps, she turned to ma ma and requested to be degloved. She first bumped, then came back to ma ma and requested to be regloved. Mimi repeated running to the fireplace, stand in front, then say "有风", then ran back.

Ba ba reported there was a little book on the floor. Xiao E went for it. Mimi was rolling on the floor and rolled over the book. Xiao E grabbed Mimi's hair and pulled hard. Ba ba slapped xiao E's hand away. Xiao E turned to ba ba and scruntched her face, said "哭uuu". Ba ba ignored the ku. Xiao E stumbled to ba ba and tried to go into ba ba lap with scruntched face. Ba ba rejected and tended to crying Mimi. Xiao E winced at ba ba.


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