
After work, the girls went to story time at the library. Mama and dada brought dinner to the library, and the girls ate in the corridor. When walking down the corridor, the girls looked into the first room and saw some people, they said "老师老师". They were informed this was not their teacher. They saw their story room and said "老师?". Miss. Jen wasn't there yet. They saw a lady walking down the hall and said "老师?", it wasn't Miss. Jen.

While chomping, they found the little nook behind the trash bin, and were playing peek-a-boo with each other through the little wall nook. Ella would look through the little slot on the bin and spy on mama. They took turns running in and out through the opening automatic doors and would look at each other through the window.

Mimi ate a lot of chicken nuggets. When the cup was empty she said "没有啦" and looked at the adults. The cup was then refilled. Xiao E also ate a fair bit. She took the shiest xiao bites of biscuit and chewed cutely.

The girls tried drinking from the fountain. Dada held them up, held the button, and they would try drinking from the stream. They aimed very poorly, getting it in their nose and everywhere. So messy.

When someone opened the library doors, the girls ran to it laughing. Xiao E slowly crept out and kept the door open. The girls played peekaboo from two sides of the side window.

After eating, it was time for story time. While walking down the hall, Mimi turned to xiao E and said "拉手". Xiao E ignored at first, but then extended her hand. Mimi ignored xiao E. The adults urged them to hold hands. The girls extended one hand each, fondled for a while trying to see whose hand stayed on top. They held hands and walked cutely. Ma ma ran in front to try to get a video, while running ma ma heard Mimi say "抱抱". Ma ma turned to see the girls hugging. So sweet. Afterwards they assumed slapping each other. 

The audience was pretty active today, so not a whole of reading but a lot more play. Ella was really into the reading though, she sat in dada's lap and observed everyone intensely. Mimi seemed tired and laid on the floor a few times. She took off her shoe. Ma ma put back the shoe. She took off her shoe, and took off her sock. She held the shoe and danced with Miss Jen.

After the story time, ella brought dada a book about a firefighter and a dog and we read it together. She didn't have enough book time. Mimi on the other hand was very eager to play like the other kids, so when the toys came out she brought dada the stuffed bunny puppet. They took turns hugging the dada hand puppet. Xiao E fetched a dragon/lizard, when asked what it was, she said "大蜥蜴".

The girls chased bubbles. Xiao E caught one and it disappeared. She turned to ma ma with her hands open, saying bewildered "没啦". Mimi caught many with her hair.

The girls had little bean bags and we stacked it on each other's heads. Ella and mimi took turns letting dada put little towers on their heads. The girls helped dada build a tower on his head, and then climb dada and knock it down.

The girls received pine tree stamps. They found the wood blocks with pictures on them and tried to stamp their hands again. Mimi gave one to ma ma and asked ma ma to stamp. While the girls were distracted by stamps and other toys, the adults built a tall ba ba head tower.

While walking back to the car, in the distance there was the lighted tree in the city court.
Ma ma: the tree is so pretty
Xiao E: 漂亮, 漂亮
Ma ma: what's on the tree?
Xiao E: 星星
The adults can't decide if they were stars or snowflakes.

When we came home, it was time to get ready for bed. When it was time for bed, dada asked mimi "dada will carry you to bed ok?" and mimi would say "NO! BUYAO!" and then hug mama in the play area. Then dada said "dada will carry mama to bed" and mimi cried and said NO". Then dada said "dada will carry ella to bed" and mimi did not respond. Ella objected. Dada offered to take the stuffed duck to bed, and mimi objected and stole the duck and ran away with it. We repeated this with many toys in the play area, but mimi didn't have enough hands to hold every toy from being carried to bed.


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