
In the morning grandma got to the girls first. She was holding mimi by the time dada found them both. Grandma told mimi "there's dada" and mimi looked at dada and said "NO... NO.... NO.... NO...." turning her head once for each no. Then she switched to mandarin "buyao.... buyao.... buyao.... buyao....." again with the head turns. Then grandma said "give dada a hug" and then mimi leaned forward offering dada a hug.

One of the previous days Mimi called ma ma 小ma ma.

After the adults came back. The girls ignored them and 炮炮鱼'ed with lao lao. Xiao e saw ba ba cooking oatmeal with milk and said "酸奶". She was not happy to be taken away from lao lao. Mimi saw gold fish on the counter and said to ma ma "不要鱼鱼". The girls were served oatmeal.

While eating, Mimi said "给妈妈一个". As ma ma approached the spoon, Mimi snapped it back saying "不给!" with the most vicious little scrunched face. 

An unfortunate incident caused xiao E's spoon to be dropped. It landed on the ground and Frank started licking it. She sounded concerned xiao words. While Mimi in the background dropped more food for Frank. 

Xiao E 要葡萄'ed. She was given some pu tao pieces stuck deep in the oatmeal, to force her to eat more oatmeal. She spooned at it but only pushed it deeper. She said while sniffling, "ma ma..ma ma..pu tao ao ao". Ma ma didn't help. She threw her spoon. Later she also threw fork. She looked on the ground, said in the saddest xiao quiver voice, "ella的匙儿, ella的叉儿". When ma ma busted out camera she started tantrum. Xiao E ate some more, then threw another spoon and started crying. Ma ma called it done and ordered ba ba take xiao E away. Xiao E started tantrum. Ba ba theorized Mimi bit xiao E, and xiao E was not done eating. She later drunk all her milk, then looked at Mimi finishing her milk, and said "Ella还要". Xiao E finished Mimi's milk.

A Styrofoam sheet was cut to pieces for the girls to play with. Each girl tried to hoard all 5 pieces and started many fights. At one point Mimi stood each piece up and put them on the window sill neatly. She stood back to examine. Xiao E ran to it and grabbed a handful. They fought. Xiao E bit Mimi in the ear, Mimi had a chunk of red and cried a lot. 

The girls fought and whined. So the adults took them to the cats for therapy. They were super excited since they hadn't seen the cats in a long time, so they bounced up and down on the bed yelling out "CAT". They saw the fat ki and called him "黑猫".

Mimi strapped ma ma and said "骑马嘛". Ma ma said why ride ma ma. Mimi farrowed her brows, said "骑马!" and gave a big bump. Ma ma said ma ma is ma ma 人, not ma ma ma. Mimi is Mimi 人. Xiao E said "ella人".

Xiao E also came to 骑ma ma. Ma ma smelled something and asked who da bian la. Mimi didn't respond. Xiao e stopped bouncing and looked away. After a bit she said "Ella大便".

The girls were left to brush on their own. After a while Mimi said "猴猴刷牙". She was brushing money mouth. Xiao E was quietly brushing her drum stick then sucking it.

Mimi grabbed two 猴猴s and said "两个猴猴". And then "猴猴跳舞". Xiao E came and grabbed the white hou hou, some more hou hou head slappings occurred.
Before bedtime the girls were playing with mama and dada. Ella would stand on dada's crossed legs and yell out "好高oo". But she's not much taller, mimi was not impressed. The girls were taught some manglish and sent to bed.
In her bed xiao E said "ella的床床", "ba ba 抱Mimi, 猫床, 床床看猫猫". Mimi cried "Mimi da biaaaann". She had no poop. Xiao E said "Ella da bian", "bao bao". She had no poop.

After 3 petting rounds Mimi finally went down. She said "盖被啦".


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