
The girls woke up nice and early this morning. They were cranky. They wanted breakfast! Mama and dada scooped up the girls and fed them some milk. Mimi pee ploded all over her chest, she was taken to a bath. Ma ma and Mimi came back to xiao E stealing ba ba's pbj. Mimi shared.

Ella was wrapped up in a little blanket like a little burrito. She sat down all bundled up and watched the trees swish in the wind. Then she fell over and couldn't get up without dada's help. Dada freed her from her burrito prison, stood her up, and asked her "do you want to be wrapped again". She said "nooooooo~" and ran away.

The girls went to the korean grocery store for some supplies. Ella was in dada's cart, reaching out at everything yelling "要拿AA~". At the fruit, at the veggies, at the tofu. At the seafood section, ella called out to the "大鱼" and the "大水虫". Ma ma and Mimi toured the long line of zhu zhu, hou hou, he ma jelly杯s. Mimi excitedly announces all the animals, but bu yao when ma ma offered her to hold one. Only cautiously pet a gou gou. After checking out, it was time to head home. Mimi and ella did some home play, but they were getting tired for a nice nap.

After naptime, mimi and ella did some fun home play for a bit until friends came over for dinner. Mimi has been cranky, always want ma ma bao bao, and don't want sissy to have anything. Ma ma offered Mimi to choose a bear book, brown bear or polar bear, Mimi chose brown bear, but wouldn't let xiao E have polar bear. At dinner Mimi sat on the chair and "要菜菜"'ed, and wolfed lots and lots of seaweed, spreading little seaweed pieces on the carpet and all over her top. Augi gave Mimi a seaweed, Mimi stared, then accepted, but held it in her hand for a long while. Unable to resist, she ate it slowly. She regained some happiness, went in high chair and ate more nunu.

The girls ate a bunch. When ella finished eating she flailed the noodles around like little nunchucks. Once they were cleaned up, they found the bucket of halloween candy. They don't know what's inside yet, so they just think they're little plastic pouches. Mimi would run to the bucket and bring one piece of candy at a time to mom, dad, and the guests. Mimi loved "给" candies to Lily jie jie. She would sometimes come with one piece of candy, sometimes with >5 pieces of candy in a giant two handful, sometimes with a little leave, and once with a tiny pinch of lint. Ella took the candy out and arranged them in a fancy pattern on the couch. Once the bucket was drained of candy, the girls moved onto unstacking some newspaper. They pulled out sheet by sheet covering the ground with it. Mimi tried to throw balls imitating Lily. Mimi continued to stuff Lily's hands with objects. The guests left, and the girls went back into the cage to play.


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