
The girls were offered the nice toys they received from Hillary, Sophia, and Jennifer yesterday. Today we took the girls out for a little bit of errand running. We dropped uncle Gordon off at the restaurant to help out while the girls went out to play. We stopped by a nice family Mexican restaurant for lunch and ate some nice chips, rice, and beef. The girls loved the saucy beef with rice. They saw the nice paintings on the wall and pointed out all the animals there.

After lunch it was time to do some shopping. We stopped by Target to stock up on diapers and then checked out a Halloween costume store. There were lots of costumes, and they did not care for the scary ones. Ella saw a scary giant baby mask, and walked away saying "nooooo~~~~". They tried on some hats and tried to take them off immediately. There were not many nice costumes, so we went to our next stop.

We went back to the restaurant for a snack and some play with the grandparents. Ella and Mimi sat down with menus and browsed the new selection. Mimi held hers upside down, not sure she needed the words. They pointed at the pictures and told grandpa what they wanted to eat. And then they had a little snack of more meat and rice.

All tuckered out from the feasting it was time to go home for a nice nap. After the nap, the girls were equipped with the panda packs from haoyu jie jie. Uncle Bill came over to visit and play with the girls. Uncle Bill brought them nice stuffed sea creatures. Thanks Uncle Bill! After a little bit of playing and running around, the girls got hungry. They had a little bit of scrambled eggs, fruit, and milk. And then it was off to bed!


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