
The girls are still battling cold. Mimi sounded like smoker. Grand ma ma fixed the little lady bugs book. Mimi en'ed little lady bug lots. Xiao E was back to her cup stacking. And counting ending shi ge gou.

Today after work, grandma brought the girls to the office again. Ma ma got in the front door this time, the girls squeaked with surprise. Xiao E quickly went back to grand ma ma and refused to move. Xiao E saw a person with red sleeve by the door and kept saying "ba ba?", trying to look sideways at the person's face. The girls were taken to the 5th floor to ma ma's office to get food. They did not like the guai guai poster. They quietly murmured "shua ya ya". They were packed in boxes. Then unpacked, and made a long journey to the cafeteria. On the way back to the elevator, mimi peekabooe'd at the glass door crack. The girls loved pushing on the button making water sprinkle out.

Almost to the cafeteria. Xiao E stopped and sat by the wall. Saying bao bao. The adults urged her on. She started crawling. Ba ba held her to the cafe door and released her. On the way to the table in the cafeteria, Mimi was running and yelled "PAO" mandarin for run. She then tripped and fell face first on the floor catching herself. Xiao E squeaked, ran to Mimi on the floor, laid down, said "PAA", and started crawling. Mimi joined. Filthy sisters were rescued by ba ba.

At the table, the girls sat down and ate some noodles. Dada got a little soda from the machine, and mimi wanted a drink too, she pointed at it and wanted to "drink water". Dada hid the soda behind the napkin older and mimi forgot of it's existence. The girls had a mini gold fish quarrel. When fish was offered to xiao E, Mimi said "nononono", and dashed to grab it. When xiao E received a gold fish, she brandished it squealing at Mimi. After wash up, Mimi kept taking straws out of the cabinets and dada helped her put them back. The girls loved pushing the automatic door open button and let the cold air rush in. Then they would run into the little airlock part and let the door close on them, taking turns trapping each other.

We left the cafeteria slowly, letting the girls wander their way back. The girls went into the fooseball room to play a little. The adults led the way and left, Mimi followed, then turned back, stretched her hand out and said "lai, lai" to xiao E. Xiao E came and barely touched Mimi's stretched hand, then the girls came together to follow the parents. They then found the little pantry and tried to steal some turkey jerky. Mama made ella put it back, but then ella was interested in the beef jerky, so dada scooped her up and we left. Little bandits.

The adults chatted with some coworkers. Xiao E started pushing on the door open button and letting the movers pass in and out. While also holding the thermos and trying to drink from it from time to time. 

Ba ba went for a drink, and the girls were distracted by the mail room. Xiao E went in first. Mimi followed ma ma away, then turned back to the mail room, said "bye bye ella", followed ma ma, then turned back to the mail room, and entered to rummage with xiao E. The girls then made their way to the car, xiao E let herself out by pushing the door open button.

Once home, we gave them milk and prepped for bed. Mama collected some silly videos of the girls playing. Lots of fake sadness and proclamations of pooping.


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