
Grandma reported that mimi puts the blocks into the little clock correctly, so she's good at matching shapes. Not only that, she also ensures that the number on the block faces up so grandma can effectively tell the time.

Over the weekend, mimi and ella were gifted a little pie. Dada heated it up in the oven for them to eat for dinner. Mama put a little bit of pie on a tiny fork and put it onto each kid's tray and she would pick it up and take a bite. Then mama would take the fork and put a fresh bite on the fork. Repeat until no more pie.

Afterward mama sat the girls down and read them cat in the hat. She translated the story to chinese for them, doing the cute little fish voice but now in chinese. Mimi and ella watched, fixated on the sinister cat's antics. Dada asked ma ma some questions about chinese, and the girls noticed dada's computer game, they both left to spy.

Dada did some rhymes for the girls now they were so active. We did if you're happy and you know it, but mimi really likes the raise your hands to hooray. Every time before knowing what it is, she raises her hands for hooray. Ella assumes it's spin, so she premature spins without knowing what it is either. Once we were done, mimi asked for "itsy bitsy" and put her fingers together. But when she says "itsy bitsy" it sounds like "A C B D". Without the fingers together, dada can't tell if she's bad at the alphabet or wants itsy bitsy spider. So dada did one round of itsy bitsy and mimi asked for "A C B D" again.

Then dada did old macdonald's farm. He paused for the "E I E I O" part, and ella started saying "E I" but wouldn't say the rest. When dada asked what the farm had, ella always said "DOG" so we were trapped in a barking loop for a few rounds. Thankfully mama came for some rhyming too and we broke the loop.

Mama and dada did some patty cake, and mimi and ella helped clap. They love clapping hands together during patty cake. Their favorite part is "ROLL IT" and then they both flail their arms around wildly. And then "PAT IT" and then they slap the floor and their legs a bunch. And then "MARK IT WITH A B" and they tickle themselves in the belly laughing.

Mama also brought out some chinese rhymes for them. Ella can finish parts of the rhyme, mama pauses for ella to say the proper word. Mimi waits patiently for the "HUA LA LA LA LA" and then flails her arms around wildly laughing.

Today when mimi asked for something, mimi always prefaces it with "MIMI". Like "MIMI用叉叉叉包". "MIMI拿鸭鸭".

Ella walked up to dada sitting on the floor, grabbed his hands and said "row row" because she wanted to row the boat. Dada must oblige, holding her hand and rowing her around while she rocks back and forth. Mimi not to be outdone got mama's hands and proceeded to row in competition. It was not a good race, neither of them were actually covering any ground.

Xiao E was asked how many toothbrushes are in the brushing video, she said "一,儿,三" and looked at ma ma expectantly. Ma ma confirmed san ge ya shua shua. Mimi did her counting dance saying "一,儿,一,儿" repeatedly pointing at the brushes back and forth.  


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