
In the morning mama had the girls put away all the toys to make room. Mama pulled out a box of soft plastic balls and pelted them with the balls. The girls cackled through the onslaught trying to deflect and find cover. Afterward, the girls collected the balls back into the box and mama began the assault again and again cackling.

The girls were offered some plates to bounce the balls on. Mimi first got the hang of it, put a ball on the plate, walks around slowly, then jumps up and down to bounce the ball, saying "打". She swirls the ball in her "盘子", saying "转". Xiao E kept giving ma ma a ball to put on ma ma's plate, then puts her plate on top saying "扣上", and tries to bounce by slapping her plate on top.

The girls were asked to bring balls back with their plates. Xiao E had a little plate and put a ball on the plate. She balanced the ball all the way to the box. If the ball fell, she put the plate back to the corner of the room, then comes back to pick up the ball to return to the corner of the room, and then put it back on the plate. And then she would walk it back to the box. If she dropped it, back to the corner. She has a strange amount of patience for mundane things.

The family went out for lunch to get some crepes. Mimi and ella loved the egg + cheese crepe and the banana raspberry crepe. They ate lots of it!

The girls were taken to hang out at redmond town center. The girls were offered moose hats. Xiao E lowered her head and accepted the hat. Mimi would not accept. She said "姐姐帽帽鹿". The girls went to the christmas tree. Mimi said "球球" "好多" "好大". Then turned and saw some more balls on the top level and yelled "小球" at the ball, then back to the tree to yell "大球".

Xiao E wanted to go up the elevator. Alas no grand pa pa. She was herded away by ba ba. The girls were taken into Macy's. Mimi kept saying "好多". "球球", "好多", "盒盒", she was not interested in the clothes. Ba ba took xiao E to roam. Ma ma turned and spotted a wild xiao E coming out of the clothes forest. She zig zagged between the clothing racks.

The girls were taken to a nice little park Anderson park. There was a see saw. The girls "要坐". The adults allowed them. Ella went down a slide in the slowest way, putting her shoes on slide to slow the descent. Mama had to drag her all the way  down because she stopped. Ma ma took Mimi around the slide climbing up different obstables. Mimi turned and saw ba ba swinging xiao E. Mimi slowly stumbled towards ba ba, after a short distance started running and extended her hands up for ba ba to pick her up. The girls asked for more swinging so mama and dada had to oblige.

Later in the day after the nap, mama and dada took the girls to a park. It was too dark though, so just walked through the park and didn't play much. Went to a ramen place nearby and feasted. Ella didn't eat much there, but mimi ate a bunch of the porky rice. After dinner, mama went to the bathroom and mimi kept asking dada "妈妈在哪, 妈妈在哪" repeatedly until she came back. Dada went to the bathroom and mimi was thrashing side to side going "爸爸? 爸爸? 爸爸?" until she made eye contact with the next table and completely froze. Once she realized they were watching her and laughing she deactivated. Dada came back and activated mimi.

The girls were taken to a stroll along old bellvue back to the car. They were excited about the deng deng, gou gou, che che. Xiao E kept saying "Mimi骑爸爸". Mimi rode on ba ba's shoulder, she saw a little girl in white on her ba ba's shoulder, and said "雪人". When Mimi says something, she says it ten times in repeat. Xiao E also repeats, but not as much. On the walk Mimi started slapping ba ba ruthlessly.

The girls were taken to Bellevue mall. After the car ride xiao E rode ba ba so Mimi can't buse ba ba anymore. Xiao E poundled ba ba's ears and poked deep inside. The girls were provided happy meal. Xiao E spying the neighbour booth while chewing on fries. Mimi ate a lot then started feeding ba ba, and occasionally eating from ba ba's mouth. Xiao E started feeding ma ma. But then she really wanted to feed Mimi and kept climbing the table to pass fry to Mimi.

The girls walked by a store with balloons on the door, they both started "要气球" and was distract when taken away. They were taken to the lego store. As soon as entering, xiao E yelled "MAOOOOO". It was a huge lego cat. Mimi was let down to pet the cat. But she started drifting to the duplo play area. The adults relocated the girls outside the store. Mimi slowly tried to creep back into the store. The adults distracted the girls with praising the lego star trooper in the display. Mimi was distracted by the "小人儿", the "大车", and the little animals on the lego carousal. Then she noticed xiao E eating tiao tiao. She also ate som tiao tiaos, and then shoved one whole chicken nudgets into her mouth, and nomed it for a while. Xiao E was distressed and want to come down and play. Ma ma let her roam slowly making way back to the car. Xiao E kept wanting to go back the way we came. Then she encountered the store with the balloons again and was distraught. She was restrained in stroller and dumped back in car. She was offered yu yu's to snack on and calmed down. Murmuring about "鱼鱼游游", "车车上大桥", "鸟鸟没了". strange things in the car. The girls started saying "姥姥". The adults informed the girls lao lao was in surrey and lao ye was in nanimo.

At home, Mimi went in and out of the box lid saying "奶奶盒盖". Grand ma's he gai? Then sat in it and said "盒船".


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