
Grand ma ma reported Mimi was played piano with monkey while saying "hou hou tan qin".

The adults got to the library earlier than the girls. The girls were spotted landing from the car in jackets. Mimi was distracted by the origami case by the door. Saying "鸟鸟", "飞", "好多". The girls ate wildly, nothing but 要条条. Mimi spotted the cracker from Wendy chilli and 要饼干. Xiao E held the cracker in her cheeks, when the adults laughed at her she spit out the split and chewed pieces in one clean spit. The girls were taken into the library where they immediately climbed on to the chairs and started “摁摁". Xiao E reluctantly admitted she's playing with "键盘", happily claimed she was playing with "鼠标". 

The story room opened early and the girls got in and ran around chasing dada. Dada was being elusive so when they tried to grab him and he jumped away they laughed and change direction to get him. Mimi worked at sanding down the back of the chair and either giving everyone her dust, her favorite target was sissy, then claiming ”谢谢Mimi". Or “擦手" to clean her hands. 

Once story time started mimi and ella sat down and listened to the rhymes. Mimi got thirsty partway through so dada went to get the water bottle for her. She held onto the bottle and drank from it very slowly, pretty sure to deprive her sister of water since she was thirsty too. Xiao E was very focused on the book, moving around with it when teacher turned. Her eyes were fixed on the pictures, she didn't talk at all during the story. Mimi was not as interested in the story, she drank and drank. Mimi was very interested in the songs, following with hand gestures. Xiao E swung side to side. The teacher handed out some scarves and the girls covered their heads with it and swished it around in the air.

Once toy time started mimi instantly ran to the stuffed animal box on the other side of the room and brought a cow hand puppet for dada. Dada put it on and the girls wanted to hug the nice cow. The girls sat by the wooden block box and played with the little blocks. Mimi, ella, and dada took turns stacking blocks in a tower. When it got pretty high and unstable the girls would get frustrated trying to stack the last block and knock it down themselves. We'll have to work on that patience.

Mimi went away to get stamp. Came back with "火鸡". She already had both hands stamped turkey from the morning. Xiao E didn't notice the stamping. Ms. Jen came with stamp and asked if she wanted stamp. Xiao E threw both wood blocks away and stuck out her arm with her hand rigid pointing down. Xiao E received 火鸡. 

We borrowed a book from the library called don't get lost Odysseus. The girls spotted with ody "拉手" with ma ma. When ody "哭". Mimi spotted the "恐龙" a little kid was holding. She loves kong long from the shower toilet seat. She said "恐龙跑". Although the kong long is just a toy. Only the toilet seat kong long pao. When asked to count the number of children, Xiao E counted with words, Mimi did the pointing counting dance with rhythm slowly counting each children back and forth. 3 children became 10. The girls spotted ma ma "抱抱" ody and "亲亲" ody when she found him. Xiao E identifies herself and sometimes Mimi as "小baby", saying "小baby看书", "小baby跑".


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