
In the morning the adults left early. Grand ma ma got the girls up, asked them where were ba ba and ma ma. The girls said "shui jiao". It was usually true, but not today. Grand ma ma took the girls to toddler story time, the girls sat in the back. Grand ma ma asked if Mimi wanted to say hi to teacher. Mimi said "HI", teacher said "HI MIMI", everyone turned and looked at Mimi, Mimi hi'ed again.

Mama and dada came home from work and got ready to take the girls to vancouver. Mimi and ella are a little sick with lots of snot. They're a little fussy, so they wanted more attention than normal. Dada read a book with ella and pointed to the photos. The book had a laughing baby, so dada asked ella to laugh. Ella went "HE HE HE" and gave a derpy grin.

On the drive to vancouver, everyone sang songs in the car, ba ba in english and ma ma in chinese. Mimi would raise her arms in the car seat when shouting "HOORAY". Xiao E filled in the last character of each verse. Ma ma started a song Ms. Jen always sang in the english story time, Mimi said "LAO SHI LAO SHI" as ma ma sang.

The girls stayed awake the whole way. When the car got to the lighted area at the gas station, xiao E said "dao le". When the car got to the lighted area at the border, xiao E said "dao le". When the car got to the lighted area at grand parents, xiao E said "dao le".

After arriving, the girls knew where we were. They were excited to go into grandma and grandpa's house and play. Grandpa came out to greet the girls with frank and ella practically jumped out of mama's arms to get into grandpa's arms. Once inside the girls ran around the kitchen island playing with grandma and grandpa. They fought over riding in the little car with grandpa pushing them. Mimi and ella got their fingers pinched in the little car door and each cried and wanted grandma to hold them. Ella held her finger and walked over to grandma crying. The car is small for both girls now. Mimi would "yao kai che men", gets in the car, "guan men", "en en" push all the buttons, gets bored, then "yao xia lai". Then xiao E would come over and climb into the car. The girls switches in and out and pinches their fingers. 


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