
Today mama and dada met grandma at the library. The girls were at the kids computer station when mama and dada got there and squealed with joy when they saw them. The girls proceeded to loudly claim things they were reading in the book and they see on the computer. When Mimi walked out of the library on the way to the lobby to eat, she pointed out every single animal she saw. And proclaimed their name loudly, much to the detriment of the other library patrons. When she passed a wall, she Mimi looked at the leaf on the wall and said "bee hu" which is lizard. They took down the lizards and replaced them with leaves. Grandma explained that the lizards were gone, and that they are leaves now. Mimi was astonished. She yelled out "BEE HU".

We took them to the lobby area to eat some food. Mimi and ella love pushing the button that automatically opens the door. They take turns pushing the button, waiting for it to close, and then pushing it again. They would walk close to the door, and the auto close would stop and reopen, and they would stump and squeak. After some food, it was story time!

At story time, the girls walked around mama and dada in little circles while listening to stories. Mimi and ella opened and closed their hands as the teacher sings. After some stories, it was time to bust out the toys and play. We played with little bean bags, stacking them on our heads. Mimi and ella took turns letting dada stack them on their head and laughed when it fell off. Dada stacked 11 of them on his head and the girls climbed him to knock down the stack. Mimi walked around with a rat hand puppet on her hand. Ella saw the teacher putting stamps on the kid's hands, so she ran over to get in line and collect a stamp by herself.

After we got home, we got them ready for a bath. Mimi went up first, and ella stayed down. Ella took the books in the play area and set them on the window sill. She was clearly shelving the books and organizing them. Taking them down and seeing if they would fit. Just like mama when she was little, a little stacker. Ella went up for bath. The girls were getting used to the water, and didn't fight ma ma when ma ma pretend swim with them by laying them on their backs in the water and swishing their arms and feet. Mimi loves washing her face as always, either in bath or when her hands were washed after meals. 


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