
A grand ma ma came early in the morning, finding a wrapped xiao E burrito. Gradmama and the girls rejoiced to be reunited. With some prompts, the girls told grand ma ma they saw mew mao at the other grand ma ma's place, "zuo fei ji" with the adults, they're ma ma's "xiao baby", and they saw many white "yun duo" the clouds. 

Today is halloween, time for trick or treating! In the afternoon, grandma took the girls to work for office candy. Mama made some wonderful little adornments to mimi's bunny sweater and made some very cute paper plate turtle shells for ella. Dressed them up and started wandering the halls starting near dada's office. The girls had a snack in ba ba's office. Lily jie jie was the first candy offerer, giving the girls a pack of gold fish. The girls wolfed them down. The girls were still intrigued by the ya ya's in ba ba's office after many visits. They kept looking at ba ba's beer, then ma ma found out they were trying to get to some ya ya's inside the box. Xiao E kept a ya ya in her xiao candy cup. Xiao E didn't like the turtle belly, so she had to be noose'ed and belly clipped to the front. The girls attended a stand up with ba ba. Xiao E looked around and listened. Then to candy journey.

Mimi would pick up a piece of candy, give it to ella, grab another piece, and then both would drop them into the candy bucket. We wandered up and down securing candy slowly. Sometimes ella would pick up candy, skip the bucket, and put it into a different candy bowl. Mimi would take too much candy, or something no candy, like a little pumpkin. Before the adults tell her to put back, Mimi already says xie xie, her cuteness earned some extra stuff, including the xiao pump.

We eventually made our way upstairs to mama's part of the building where we found aunt zhiying. She had no candy for the little girls, instead she offered a pack of salted nuts and mimi snatched it up.  Mimi and xiao E told zhiying their names, Mimi and ahya. Mimi and ella explored aunt zhiying's office, playing with her spare keyboard, turning off her computer, and changing the height of her ergo desk. Later aunt qiben came with her daughters and the girls had a little hallway party chatting and playing with the candy. Afterward the girls wandered the halls collecting more candy. The girls tried to take some candy buckets but was caught by the adults. Mimi spilled soda on someone's machine, the gang ran away.

At home we ate some dinner, passed out some candy, and then ran out. It was time to brave the night and harvest more candy. Mimi and ella were re-suited up, equipped their bucket, and began the journey. From neighbor to neighbor, the girls would slowly walk up the driveway, wait at the door, and collect some candy. First stop is neighb mama, she gave the girls a handful of candy. Carrying the bucket, Mimi shyly waved good bye. Mr Tony had a little fire pit setup on the driveway, played music, and handed out spiced cider. The girls sat in the fire lit chairs dancing with the music and flames. After our reprieve, we set out again into the cold night. Mimi alone carried the bucket, no one else could be trusted. When mama offered to help, mimi twisted her arm away, dragging the bucket on the ground. When mama offered to hold mimi and walk, she again rebuked.

Later on the journey we met some friends in the neighborhood. We stopped by their house to collect some candy and we found duo duo in a costume from mongolia passing out candy. We collected the final batch of candy and set course for home. One home, we read some books together, drank milk, brushed teeth, did more burritoing, and tucked in for bed.


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