7/12/2020 - Monday

Ella typed half of age of 8s. Said it was her record from birth to death. I noticed there was an '0.' in the middle of all the 8s. I asked what it was. She said it was a that day we went to mud bay. (We went to blackie spit today and mentioned mud bay a few times)

I found my earbud cushion missing. I angrily asked the girls who did it. They were doing their night play happily in their room. Ella said quietly '是我sorry妈妈'. I was very angry and asked her to find it or get slapped. After looking for it for a bit. She said '我可以忍受疼'. I looked at her, she raised her hand for me to slap. I put each side of the earbud on her, and asked which side feels off. She said the side without cushion isn't as comfortable. I gave her a big hug and said I forgive her, but please try to remember she put the cushion. She ran around the room and looked more. Said she was timing out when she took the cushion. When baba opened the door and let her out. Then afterwards she was let back into the bathroom to continue timeout but think she didn't take the cushion with her. I asked her to rub my head an comfort me, she rubbed furiously and gave me kisses. She went back to her room and continued play with Mimi.
(Baba reports that's not the order of events as he remembers. We still can't find the cushion.)


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