11/20/2019 - wednesday

The girls whined about going to bright horizon. I showed them cars tattoos. They seemed excited. I asked them separately, and they both claim that the red car is ella's and gray car is mimi's. The daycare put them in separate classes. This is the 2nd time it happened. I took Ella to a pre kindergarten class, where was she a lot smaller than all the kids. She started crying about 'sister'. The teacher hugged her while I tucked her bag away. She stopped crying. The teacher led her to see cranberry mixing. I followed and put lightning mcqueen on her hand. After I'm done the teacher prompted the kids to say hello to Eloise. They said Hello Eloise in sync. Ella raised her hand to show them mcqueen and chuckled. Jam came to get me to go to Mimi. Mimi started crying when she saw us again. I gave her the tattoo while she made cry face and repeated 'ella'. She cried for seal, ba ba directed her to her cubby where seal was, she continued crying but didn't sound too distraught, and didn't cling on to Jam.

At dinner Ella kept making grumpy statements, like she "disliked mama because mama worn ugly clothes. She disliked ba ba because ba ba worn ugly clothes. Only Mimi worn pretty clothes." James took her outside for a bit and she quickly wanted to come back. She still talked about grumpy things like what she would throw. I asked her if she'd like to talk about lightning mcqueen on her hand. She and Mimi both got excited and make there hands touch things and asked the other to stop their 淘气 hands. We tried to restrain the girls and focus them on eating. They were too excited and playful, and ate some food.

After we got home we did watermelon bear. At one point Mimi refused to tap on the letter c, saying 我只想玩二。I tapped it. She brushed some toys to the floor, angrily walked away. I continued with Ella. In the corner of my eye I saw her putting her seal into the bathroom trash. She walked back. I asked her if she wanted to take her turn. She took her turn. We took some turns, when it was Mimi's turn Mimi murmured 我把小海豹扔了。我不会把它拿回来。I acknowledged it. The next time Mimi said it, Ella asked 'Mimi你还生气么。' Mimi grumpily said 是的。I asked her to put her anger away and come back later. She said 嗯我已经我生气了。We played until timer went off. Jam was surprised to see seal in the trash, asked if Mimi wanted to throw it in the big trash. Mimi said 不要 cutely and took it back.


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