11/19/2019 - Tuesday

This was after the sunday where James and I flipped up on Mimi peeing in the room and broke the owl seat.

The girls had an easy morning. While Mimi peed she kept saying four four two, four four one, four four four, etc. Ella peed on the way onto the toilet. I cleaned her up and we still left really early. When we were leaving Ella asked formally 妈妈我想要一个久和胜的卡片。I gave her a new midoriya card. She happily exclaimed 'JIU!'. James took her to the car while I packed lunch. James came back and said Mimi saw Ella's card and also wanted a 英雄卡片。I gave her lida and she was really happy. In the car Ella cutely said 我不喜欢去幼儿园。我要带久去幼儿园. At one point Ella said 久扎了我的眼睛。I asked what happened and she didn't say anything. She looked fine.
We arrived at little folks. James wanted the girls to leave the cards in the car. Mimi did. Ella hugged her card close, gave cerned face and said 我要给ms julie 看久。And started to squeak. We let her have the card and gave Mimi her card. The girls showed people their cards on the way to the gym. They saw Ms Stacy and were really happy. The girls gave me happy face and got chocolate in the gym. Mimi started crying right after chomping down chocolate. We immediately left. We saw Ella directing Mimi to play.
The girls were snacking when we picked them up. The cards were gone. Ella grumpily repeated 老师丢iiuuuu了我的卡片。While stumping. I asked how could teacher lose her card and if I should give a card to teacher next time if it's teachers. Ella said 我打你妈妈。I acknowledged she was grumpy and loaded her in the car. On the drive Ella said 回家我会亲你的妈妈。Mimi said 我不会亲你的妈妈。I told Ella she was sweet, and told Mimi it was ok to not kiss me. Ella gave me many smooches after getting home. Mimi behaved well. Listened to my instructions, waited for her turn for watermelon bear. Politely asked 我为什么不能玩呢 when the sloth came in the usps car and didn't leave a gift. She didn't understand it was asking them to keep learning and I explained.
The girls liked the monster's monster story. Cleaned up quickly and went upstairs. Mimi threw some toys after I left the room at night. But didn't voice any complains. I heard the girls playing soon after.
A little before 11p the girls went quiet. Suddenly I heard Mimi say 妈妈为什么房间亮了。I went up. Mimi asked why the room had light again. Then said 是sunshine么。我好喜欢sunshine. I asked her where was the shine. She said 憋不住。I lifted her up. She bounced down the stairs. Peed. Bounced up the stairs. Almost at the top Ella yelled 妈妈哼nnn Mimi下楼了。I said she was going to the bathroom. Mimi asked me to 陪我一下。I said after I finish my diary. She asked again and I said again. I put her back into the room. Ella said 我也想看你上厕所。I tucked her and asked if she needed to go to the bathroom, she said no. I kissed her. Turned and saw Mimi became a small pile in the corner with blanket on top. I went and lifted a corner, she was sitting there with a little smile. I put down the blanket and left.


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