07/12-14/2019 - weekends

I informed the girls we were going to hang out with auntie Jessica, and they always had a lot of fun with her. After asking a few times who was Jessica, Ella asked 她说什么话。I looked at her. She asked 她说中文还是英文。I said she spoke English. Ella said 哦。I said she was half Chinese though, she's a 混血儿。The girls looked at me. Mimi quietly asked 他的孩子怎么了。I tried to explain Jessica was the er, and it's what we call mixed blood kids. The girls still looked perplexed. And asked me about her kid a few more times.

Sunday when we were leaving, I called for the girls to meet Jessica. Ella said 她不是要来我家吗。I said we changed plans, we might have, I can't even recall myself. We headed to dough zone.

The girls looked super excited to see Jessica at the table. Ella shyly peekabooed. Ella chuckled. Ella got frustrated when we were talking about ordering and ignored her. She yelled, but apologized when I critized and was good for a while. She played with her chopsticks, when we realized her set of kids plastic ware were switched with James's. We switched them. Ella started slapping and tantruming, wanting the chopsticks back. I took her outside. She cried and slapped. A passer by asked what was the matter, I explained about the chopsticks, he gave mer an empathetic aww and hoped she could use chopsticks when she was older. Ella calmed down after the uncle left. She looked at me, then ran to me and hugged me. We came back into the restaurant. She saw Jessica and started chuckling. Soy milk also arrived and she spooned cutely, ate, while chuckling whenever she made contact with Jessica and Cameron. They were surprised her change of mood. The girls ate very well. Ella suddenly gave me a spoonful of soymilk. I noticed it had a little piece of green onion in it and drank it. Jessica said aww, James praised Ella for sharing with mama, Ella said 那个有菜。

Outside the restaurant, Jessica tried to make conversation with the girls. Mimi hid behind james, Ella just chuckled. I asked the girls to greet Jessica in exchange for candy, I was addressing Mimi since Jessica was talking to Mimi. Mimi extremely quietly said Hi, peeking behind from James. Ella followed by yelling HIIII, we looked at her. She jumped up and down, waving crazily, and yelled HIII again. I asked her to say hi auntie Jessica. Ella yelled HII JESSICA! I gave both girls a candy.

When James told me his plan to walk the botanical garden on Wednesday, I criticized him for not planning well, worried about girls not be able to walk much after food without nap. I felt better on Saturday when the girls fell asleep during the car ride around noon, and we planned to give them a nap today too. We first stopped at happy lemon to fill our sweet cravings. As we drove past to park, Ella loudly said HA HA 是那个 lemon 头. Mimi also laughed loudly and said lemon 头 with much disdain. We informed them that only James will go with the auntie and uncle, and we'll stay in the car and wait. The girls waited nicely, I read one piece, they only chatted with me for a bit. After James's return they asked to eat 鸡蛋仔。We asked them to wait till we got to the garden. The girls were mostly quiet during the drive, but got excited and started chatting when we got to the garden. We decided to brave the walk without nap. I felt energized after the tea and waffle.

It was a nice walk. Mimi whined about half of the way, wanted to be picked up, but was able to make till half way between the bridge and yao garden. Then we carried the girls to the yao garden, and the girls walked the rest of the way. At the bridge, James jumped hard on the bridge. Ella plopped down on her knees, Mimi grabbed on wire and me tightly. After getting off the bridge, Jessica and Cameron leaned on the fence by the road. Ella walked towards them, said, 我也要爬到栏杆上。像阿姨一样。But she actually tried to climb up. 

Jessica and Cameron came to our place to play a game with James. I gave the girls snack and played with them. Occasionally went to climb James. On their way out, Jessica Cameron, and us chat a little by the door. Ella suddenly ran to us, waving, yelling BYEEEE. She had the toy guitar hang on her back, strapped across her shoulder and chest, like a real traveling musician. I asked her to say bye aunt Jessica, bye uncle Cameron. She yelled BYE JESSICA! BYE CAM RON! Mimi ran around James and hid behind him, quietly said bye when James prompted. The girls gave Jessica hugs. Ella kissed Jessica on the arm, which Jessica thought was very cute. 

Later I took the girls upstairs to play with the cats while James cooked. Ella asked 那个漂亮的阿姨走了么。I asked if she thought ah yi was very pretty. Ella said 我觉得阿姨很漂亮。I asked how about uncle. Ella chuckled and said 臭叔uuu. Mimi chuckled and said 臭叔 disdianly.

The girls chose to play with 臭球 for the evening. I helped Mimi plug an orange, probably a nose, into a chou ball. Mimi kept referring to it as 小橘,可爱的小小橘。And frequently kissed it with high frequency, while holding it with both hands close to her mouth. 

During the weekend on a few occasions Ella tried to take toys from Mimi and chase and pulled her hair. On Saturday night the girls fought over the pillow. I gave the red pillow back to Mimi and informed Ella she couldn't take by force. Ella plunged into my arms and cried and refused console. James took over and I went to bed. Later James carried a sniffing Ella over to my bed, pet my head and gave me a kiss. I rubbed her soft cheek and we bid each other good night. On Sunday night the girls fought over the pillow again. The same repeated, but Ella stopped crying when I informed her I was leaving. I then told her the story of my toothbrush, where grandma bought a toothbrush for me that I loved, then she had to boil it against my will to kill the bacterias, and destroyed it into a mangled plastic snake. She then gave me another toothbrush that I loved the same, what was mine was the best. The girls loved the story and kept asking me to tell it. After about 5 times I bid them good night and asked them to ask lao lao about it the next day. The next morning after lao lao came, Mimi asked 你为什么煮了妈妈的牙刷。Lao lao asked why would she do such a thing. Mimi said 应为。。杀细菌。With the cutest jun pronunciation, somewhere between zhun and jun. It cracked lao lao up. She said yes she found out boiling plastic in water did not work as expected. Soaking in warm water worked. Which I thought was also weird, and wonder if she did it still.


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