07/02/2019 - Tuesday

Today was the first day the girls are going to little folks. Ella cried and asked for blanket. The girls sat in their carseats hugging their daycare pillows, covered in hello kitty blankets, tucked in with their seal and whale. I sat in the back and rubbed their cheeks. We watched an episode of peppa and arrived at daycare. Ella held onto my hand tight and we checked in and went to the classroom. The daycare director walked us through the classroom which was empty at the time. Ella quietly asked 这是什么 a few times while looking around. The director led us to the nap room to put down our stuff in the cubbies. Ms stacy came to say hi. Ella's eyes swelled with tears and said 要睡觉。I led her to her bed and tucked her in. Mimi was in good spirits and bounced around. She laughed when James described that the girls loved the crab song from moana. They happy faced and got candy. Ella tucked herself in and Mimi sat on the bed. We left.

When we came for pickup. Ella was handing Ms Jordan her finished snack, Ms Jordan led her to the trash, she dumped them and high fived Ms Jordan. She then saw us and bounced to me. Crisply said 妈妈我很喜欢小folks幼儿团。我很开心。While waving her arms and bouncing around me. Mimi quickly stuffed some food in her mouth and ran to James. James prompted Mimi to clean up and she bounced back to the table, threw away the trash, and high fived Ms Jordan.

The girls lingered at the front door squatted down, looking at a gutter extension spitting water. After a bit, Ella stood up and said 妈妈我想玩这个水。I thanked her for asking first and informed her she couldn't. We headed for mod pizza because the girls picked to eat pizza 皮 over  饺子皮。

The girls were very cute at mod. Mimi ate well but Ella didn't. After a while Ella got bored and restless. She even wiggled to my chair, sat behind me and hugged my back. James didn't like it and asked her to go back to her chair. We quickly finished and headed home.

For before bed snack Ella picked 冰蓝莓,冰草莓,and 凉的奶。She said 我喜欢冰冰的东西。I gave each girl two frozen blueberries, one frozen strawberry, and cold milk. The girls drunk huge gulps, acquiring the cutest milk mustache and laughed at each other after drinking each gulp. After Ella drunk one gulp, she lifted up her shirt and asked me to touch her 冰肚脐。after I touched, she giggled and asked 冰吗? I said it was bing. Mimi did the same and I poked the girls belly button for a while.

After staying in bed for a while, Mimi loudly yelled ma ma. I discovered two girls in diapers and panties, side by side standing at the door, 4 little hands resting on the fence. Mimi said 要喝水。Ella said 要吃东西。I gave Mimi water and informed Ella food was only available the next morning. Ella bargained with me: 但是我饿了,我要吃冰箱里的cheezu, 我不想要爸爸的爱心早餐,我只喜欢cheezu, 我要下楼吃东西,我想喝凉凉的奶,我睡觉也会饿的。I took away Mimi's water and asked if they'd like to be tucked in. Ella started crying. I looked at her, she pouted and let out a long wail. I informed her I'll check back when she finishes crying and asked if Mimi wanted to be tucked in. She looked at Ella and me back and forth, and didn't say anything. I went downstairs.

Ella continued crying. I went upstairs in a few minutes. The girls were sitting side by side. Ella continued crying. Mimi said 妈妈你打姐姐。I said I'll give her more time to calm down. Ella started crying louder and I went downstairs. Ella began to cry more sporadically. I went back upstairs. Ella was wiping her tears. I looked at her through the bars waiting for her to talk. Mimi said 姐姐脱了。I went to the door and saw Ella had taken off her diaper. I pulled her up and put her on the toilet. She yelled on the toilet 我不要尿尿。I hugged her, she hugged me tight and calmed down. I tried to pull away to check if she peed on the carpet. She pulled me tight and said she didn't and asked me to not go. After a while I got her to let go of me and pee. After peeing she said 太热了。把我的屁屁烫伤了。I said I'll wipe her with the cool baby wipes. She said 要抹油。I agreed to get the vaseline for her from downstairs. I came out of the bathroom, Mimi was standing at the gate with the red pillow in her arms. She said 姐姐以为是她的呢。I agreed it was Mimi's pillow. I stated the history that it was Ella's, and about a week ago I found they had switched, and they told me they agreed to switch. Mimi quietly said 是我的了吗。I concurred. I got the vaseline and came back to Ella. Ella said 我想要红枕头。I said she could ask Mimi, but she had to let go if Mimi don't want to switch. Ella bargained, 可是我喜欢红色。红色是我最喜欢的颜色。I repeated it was Mimi's call. We came back to the bedroom. Mimi was at the door, looked like she was waiting for us. Ella's bed was bare, except a red pillow laid neatly at the head of the bed. I asked if Mimi gave the pillow to Ella. Mimi looked down while cutely said 是的!我知道你最喜欢红色呀。I lifted Ella over the gate into the bedroom. Ella said 我喜欢妈妈的冰冰手。My hands were cold from washing under the cold water. Ella's warm skin felt nice on them. Ella tumbled to her bed and plopped down and hugged the pillow. I hugged Mimi and thanked her. She bounced to her bed and curled up and wiggled on her bed. I promoted Ella to thank Mimi, and she did cutely. 

I tucked in Ella. Ella said 妈妈我要亲亲。I put my face near her, thought she wanted to kiss me. She repeated again. I looked at her, she pointed at her cheek. I kissed her a lot while she mewed. I went over and tucked and kissed Mimi. Then kissed Ella again and left.

In 20 minutes when James and I went to bed, the girls were sound asleep.


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