02/26/2019 - tuesday

We bought some icecream on the way home. When I came back to the car Ella was whining. I informed her I bought dessert that the kids who don't tantrum can eat. Ella said loudly 你买了什么。是什么甜点。。我闻到了冰激凌的味道。
Ella tantrumed a little. I said only kids who don't tantrum could eat dessert. Ella said 但是我已经苦恼了。Mimi said 我没有苦恼。Ella said 我想念姥姥。Mimi said 有一个不想念姥姥的amelia和妈妈分享甜点。还有爸!
I was mixing cereal into the icecream. Mimi said 我要看一看。She wanted me to lift her up. I informed her I had no hands for that. She brought her little chair over and stood on it. Mimi said, 哇,是冰激凌。谢谢妈妈的甜点。(In the cutest high pitched voice.) 谢谢妈妈给我的冰激凌。I asked her to sit down. She got down, moved her chair back to the table, sat down, I gave her icecream.


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