ella letter 3 year old

Happy 3rd birthday Ella!

I finished this letter very late. I wrote half after we went to the tulip festival in late April, and half during the memorial day weekend in late May. We were at grandma's both times. I gathered enough energy to write while grandma and grandpa kept you busy. Grandma is your favorite person. Last week I printed new grandma pictures for daycare, because the last pictures had been rubbed to white paper. Ms Haleemah told us you asked for grandma's picture every day, and carried it with you for comfort. You helped me see so many wonderful things my mom does for you, and must have done for me when I was young. Grandma and I grew apart over the years as we clashed on many topics from when to marry to whether to buy Chinese stocks. The only thing we agree on is you girls are amazing little people and we must record every moment. I hope we stay close as you grow older. But I'm sure we'll drift apart as you grow into your own person. So I better enjoy you little cuddly bug right now.

You are so cuddly. You crawl into our laps all the time, while playing, while reading stories, while eating. You let me rub your face indefinitely. You'd even squeeze your eyes into slits and let out tiny squeaks while I pinch your super soft cheeks. Around the time you were 2 I asked you to kiss Mimi during one of my cute rages. You slowly approached her, put your hands on her arms, and kissed her on the mouth. Then you started kissing us on the mouth, while petting our face with shaking palms, looking furious. Then you kissed Cora goodbye on the mouth. You must hug and kiss baba and I goodbye at daycare. You kept track if Mimi hugged and kissed us too, and anxiously pushed Mimi to hug and kiss us if she missed it. The times when Ms Haleemah chased us out of the door with you in arms, crying for 'hug ma ma", were heartbreaking. Luckily kissing candy seemed to calm you down. Hope you find more comfort at daycare my sweet little person.

I love that you're elaborate in everything you do. You trace letters carefully. You took care to give a little tail to the vertical line when writing a. You trace the box surrounding the letters even more carefully. You color diligently and fill every space, sounding little oh's when you found a spot unpressed by your pen. You dance with precise movements, turning your wrist 360 degrees, and making sure your hand swan's 3 feathers are straight up.

I love that you talk like a grown up. Your pronunciation is perfect and you speak confidently. Once at Asian food center we passed the fish counter, you said matter of fact: "these fish are dead, its head is separate from its body." A few people turned to look and I cracked up. Once at Costco you said matter of fact: "these clams are dead. They are put in bags. Lets shop for grapes." Once at grandma's you were lying on the floor playing a game on the iPad, when grandpa bid you goodbye as he left for Nanaimo. You stood up, shuffled to him, put your palms up, tilted your head, furrowed your brow, said "goodbye grandpa, I will miss you." Then immediately turned and laid back to poke at the iPad. You like talking to people. You always answer when someone talked to you, although a lot of the answers were "mew". The non-mew statements were equally cute. Once xiao xiao asked if you liked the dessert she brought over. You said "I will eat all of it. I'm a big princess". When you see our guests walking around after food, you always ask "are you leaving already", then continued staring at them. Once you saw my boobs in the shower and asked what they were. I told you they were melons, and I fed them to you until they deflated. The next day at a restaurant, the waitress asked how old you were, you said: "I'm a big girl". The waitress asked how big you were. You said "I was in mom's tummy. Mom had melons. I drank milk. Then melons deflated." As you said deflated, you made crab pinch gestures and squeezed your eyes into slits. Lol.

It's very curious you eat the gross food and reject ba ba's excellent food. E xin - disgusting, is your default word when offered a new food. You heard it once from George pig and knew it spoke your feeling perfectly. Once we were folding dumplings, you took a raw wrapper, torn it into small pieces and ate them all. Later you refused to eat the dumplings, even the skin, on the ground that they were e xin. Once I lifted my head from eating, and noticed you haven't touched your noodles, and were staring at it intensely. When I asked what was the matter, you pointed at the smallest green and said "there is vegetable". I picked it up and you ate all the noodle. You are fierce biting skins off fried chicken. You are even more fierce spitting out any chicken pieces not skin.

I see glimpses of a big person from you. A week after your birthday we went to the zoo. We saw the carousel from a distance, you were so excited. You did a dance where you put your hands together in front of you, then jumped and spread your arms wide, yelling "white dragon horse". It took approximately 20 yelling jumps for you to make it to the carousel. Once there, I informed you that we were not going on the carousel. You whined, you leaned on the fence, you looked at the horses go, and you shook the fence now and then. After I asked you a couple times to continue walking to the next animal, you followed me and went away without complains. Another time we were at Costco shopping for grapes. Every time we went to Costco you demanded grapes, stating you were grapes's owner. All grapes' owner. This time all the grape boxes had bad grapes. I checked a few boxes while complaining about the bad grapes. When I put another box down, you said "it's alright ma ma, the grapes are bad, lets buy some melons."

Yesterday I pulled on your hair to make you look up to brush your teeth. When I went to apologize, before I said anything, you leaned into my lap. When I apologized, you gave me infinite kisses. Thank you for always forgiving me my sweetheart, I really hope I'll always have a chance to make up for my mistakes. I look forward to hearing your memories of these altercations. Being a little person is hard. Right now ba ba's upstairs reasoning with your demand for a new diaper, while your cries are getting louder. We know you can calm down and ask nicely. This is much easier than being bullied by mama. Add oil little person.

Update: you calmed down and told me you didn't like the diaper because the fillings were bunched up.


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