06/16/2019 - Sunday

The afternoon homework time was tough and I threatened a lot. We finished with pretty good progress and the girls happily sat down for long yan. I gave them each a handful and asked them to count if they got 10. Mimi counted very well, she counted the top row and then bottom fast and accurate, then went back to the top row and counted 11, and paused, I said it was a good enough job. Ella only counted to three and skipped the others vaguely and pointed at the end and said 10! I asked her to count carefully, she did again. I confiscated her long yan. In hindsight it was too tough since the homework time was already tough for her. Ella cried so sadly. I peeled a couple for Mimi and turned to comfort her. She whimpered and said 我只是想要很多。I held each one for her to count, she did it. I peeled for her, she said 但是我想要更多。I stood up, Mimi offered Ella one. I didn't hear anything from Ella. I got the long yan bag and offered Mimi one for sharing with Ella. Mimi turned and with super cern face and cern voice said 但是她没拿。I gave the girls each a bonus one. I asked Ella if she didn't take bacause she knew it was Mimi's. Ella was silent. I asked if Ella didn't take because she thought it was too small. She said 是的他的太小了。我要我自己的。

Later in the day I offered them each 1/3 of the bun they picked from tous les jours. I gave Ella her portion and asked if she'd like to share with Mimi. She said 嗯我不想。It took a bit for Mimi to come and Ella ate super fast. When I cut Mimi's portion Ella had ate all her custard filling, leaving a thin piece of side. She saw Mimi's and asked to share. Mimi immediately extended her bread and Ella almost snatched it when I said She wasn't allowed to have Mimi's since she didn't want to share with Mimi. Ella then threw her side bread at Mimi and asked to 交换。Mimi stared at it, I again said it was not fair to exchange. Mimi seemed to agree, bit her bread with furrowed brow and stared at Ella. Ella whined a little, I reminded her she could share with Mimi next time. Mimi also left her side. They played a little, Mimi saw it and offered it to me. I took a bite and asked if I could give Ella a bite, Mimi agreed, Ella took a bite, smiled a very cute smile. Mimi came and ate the rest. 

Monday - When I offered the buns to the girls, I asked Ella if she could share with Mimi, she immediately yelled 可以!I gave the girls 1/6 of each bread, they chuckled and ate.

At night I heard a cry and went upstairs. Mimi was pulling Ella's hair, Ella was laying on Mimi's bed. I separated them. Ella sniffed a little, turned her body and slept on Mimi's bed, with her hand under her face, slightly sniffling. She seemed to have caught the sickness Mimi and I had. She was super cute. Mimi said with a cry face 姐姐占据了我的床。I asked if Ella would like to back to her bed, she said 不。I asked if Ella would ask Mimi nicely, she stayed silent. I said Mimi could use Ella's bed. Ella shot up, hurried to her bed, and laid down. Mimi said 姐姐坏。I asked why Ella wanted Mimi's bed. Ella was silent. I asked if Ella wanted to play with Mimi. Ella said 不是。I asked if Ella wanted to switch bed with Mimi. Ella whispered 不是。I asked if she just wanted to zhan ju Mimi's bed. Ella said 是的。I asked Ella where would Mimi sleep then. Ella said 我不知道。I asked if she wanted Mimi to have nowhere to sleep. She said 是的。I then heard a heavy whisper 我要欺负姐姐。I turned and saw Mimi slowly crawling towards Ella, whispered again 我要欺负姐姐。She got to Ella's bed, Ella pulled the blanket up and burried her face. Mimi stood up and said loudly 她盖上了!她藏起来了!妈妈帮我把她的被打开!While making a wild pulling action with large arc and half turned her body. 我要拉她的头发和。。打她!While making a big pulling action and salpping actions. I said I couldn't because she was my sweetheart. Mimi said 不是!妈妈你搞错了!她是姥姥的小甜心。I said they both were everyone's sweethearts and princesses. Mimi said 不是!他不是我的小甜心!I admitted I was mistaken and everyone included me, ba ba, and lao lao. The girls started stating they were princesses and sweet hearts of lao lao's but not each other's, while Ella was standing in bed beside me, and Mimi was walking back and forth from her corner bed to me. Mimi stopped and farted, and hehehehe'ed. I said we liked Mimi's stinky butt too. Ella chuckled and said 我也喜欢臭屁股。The girls laughed and babbled and I left. While I was walking down the stairs Ella put the pumpkin bucket on top of her head and said 我是超人。Mimi laughed wildly.


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