06/11/2019 - Tuesday

Mimi was sick, james gave her Tylenol. As I came out of the bathroom, Mimi came down the stairs after taking the medicine. She made eye contact with me and said 爸爸给我吃药了。应为我生病了。 I asked if the medicine was cherry flavored. She said 是樱桃味道的! Lao lao was holding a wild ella hanging at the top of the rails. She asked mimi to tell me what happened after I left for work. Mimi said while staring me with big eyes, 我生病了。lao lao asked her why she was upset when I left. Mimi said 妈妈没有回答我所以我生病了。lao lao informed me that Mimi asked me something when I left in the morning, and cried when I left without answering her. I apologized to mimi. Couldn't find out what she asked.

The girls went upstairs to play with lao lao while organized my things. I then convinced them to come downstairs to read the "biscuit's graduation day" book. They gladly followed. Mimi looked a little wobbly so I held her hands while coming downstairs. The girls were both naked in their underwear and for a moment I wasn't sure if I was holding Mimi. I asked if she was Ella. She said 我像Ella但是我不是Ella.

The girls loved the book, from biscuit's name to how biscuit got a dog diploma. They cackled every single time I said woof.

Mimi sounded quiet sick by night time, coughing nonstop and breathing with mucus sounds. I heard the her cry from the bedroom and went to check. She was laying in her bed face up and whining. I asked her what was wrong. She whimpered softly 可是爸爸没有治好我。I asked her again to confirm that was what she meant. Poor thing. I petted her and tried to tell her that it takes a while for sickness to go away. Ella then crisply said 憋不住了。i took her to the bathroom. Mimi said from her bed 但是妈妈为什么不和我说话。I replied I was going back soon. Ella then asked me in stutters 妈妈我想听你小时候。。漫画。。的故事。I once told the story of how I held up not reading manga to study more, as an example of doing un enjoyable things for a later reward. I assumed mimi could also hear, I stood at the door and quickly told the story. Then I tacked on the story of when I and su wen tried to steal a manga. After I stopped talking Ella stared at me for a hit, then said 我不喜欢漫画。 I said I'll find a manga she will love. She said 嗯。。但是我不喜欢漫画。then our conversation was cut short when I sensed my own poopergy.


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