06/09/2019 - Saturday

At night I heard a big thud, went upstairs and found the fun on the ground. Mimi stuttered while saying 姐姐把他弄倒的。I grabbed an Ella who was jumping on the bed, I asked if it was her, she said 是Mimi。I grabbed a Mimi dashing in the room, Mimi struggled out of my grasp while saying it wasn't her. I grabbed her again, and explained I was not angry if she pushed the fun, I knew they were bored, but I was going to be very angry if she lies. Ella asked 承认是什么意思。I explained again that if they told me who did it honestly, I won't be angry. Ella said in a low voice, 是我把他推倒的。I asked her to apologize to me and to Mimi for blaming her, she apologized, I said I forgive her. I asked if Mimi forgive Ella, Mimi said in a high pitched voice 是的!

The girls played for a long while, then I heard a thud again. I went upstairs, caught Ella lifting the fan and trying to roll it. She saw me, jumped away, and did a hurried left and right run, then stared at me. I got the fan up and asked her to choose her punishment, hitting on the hand or throwing away icecream. She moved to Mimi's bed in the corner and sat in the corner, silent. I said I'll choose hitting hand. She said 把冰激凌扔。。。and looked away. I said I'll hit her, but not too hard, because I see she felt guilty. She extended her hand, said 轻轻的打。I put it in my hand and gave it a medium strength slap. She kept her hand there, said again 轻轻的打。I said I was finished and she could pull her hand away. She said again 你轻轻的打。I gave her a gentle pet, she took her hand away.

The girls played for another long while, then I heard Mimi wailing. I came upstairs and found Ella was kneeled, pulling Mimi's hair, Mimi was crunched down by Ella's knees crying. I parted them. I rubbed Mimi's cheeks while she got her wails and tears out. Ella ran to Mimi's bed, laid on it and wildly kicked air left and right. Mimi whined cutely 姐姐偷了我的床。I asked Ella to ask Mimi first before using her bed. Ella said Mimi我可以躺在你的床上吗。Mimi enthusiastically said 可以呀!I left them and they started playing together immediately.

Around 2am Ella cried and I went to check on her. I found a naked woo in diapers, kneeled by Mimi's bed near Mimi's head, slapping and crying. She saw me and said Mimi 坏。I asked her what happened, she repeated Mimi huai. I stared at her, she stared at me, then said 我要裤子。I directed her back to bed, put pants on her, tucked her in, and aggressively pet her soft cheeks. I went back to bed and didn't hear anything else. In the morning I found her without pants again.


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