05/29/2019 - Wednesday

When we picked up the girls, Miss Haleemah said Ella peed on her while she was holding her. So I asked Ella to give Haleemah a hug because of the pee. Ella said 可是我没有尿在她身上呀。I asked her if she remembered peeing while Haleemah was holding her. Ella said 是的。我尿裤子了。I said the pee seaked through and got on Haleemah. She said 可是我尿在我自己的裤子上了。

On our evening walk, towards to end, the girls each picked up a branch. By the house, Ella threw away hers, and Mimi picked up both branches, said 我有两只角。我是公马。公马是不能骑的。I said male horse had no horns. She said 我是工作的马。


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