04/28/2019 - sunday

Before we went to bed, I asked the girls if they knew where my headband was. I always hang it by the towel in the bathroom, and used it to tie my hair back when I washed my face. The girls took turns and said 一定在楼上 and went upstairs, but then said they couldn't find it.
We put the girls in their room. After about 5 minutes Ella yelled 我憋不住啦。I took her to the bathroom and she started pooping. Mimi asked for water and I asked her to wait. I picked up a bowl I took to the stairs earlier to change it out for the cat, Mimi asked what the bowl was for and I said it was for the cats. I said her water cup was downstairs and I'd get it after I give the cats water first. I did, then brushed Frank. Then when I was getting water, Ella yelled from upstairs repeatedly 我找到了妈妈。I asked if she found a water cup. She paused a little and repeated that she found it. I thanked her and said I'll check it out after I tended to Mimi. I went to the bedroom and informed Mimi I got water. She said her abrupt HMM? from her bed, got up and ran to the gate, and drank water. Then asked 我可以看姐姐么。I informed her I'll wipe Ella and bring her back.
I went to the bathroom, Ella excitedly said 妈妈我找到啦。I asked her where it was. She pointed at the bathroom counter. I looked and asked her where the cup was. She mumbled 在那里呀。I looked again, didn't see anything, thought she might be referring to 药丸狗and 龙because they had little cups. I said to show me after I wiped her, she said 可以呀。
When I was wiping Ella, Mimi started yelling 我憋不住啦。So I quickly wiped Ella and lifted her to the bedroom. On the way out she mumbled something and I didn't catch it, at the gate, she kicked the baby gate and wouldn't go in. I forcefully put her in the bedroom, said I'll be back soon, and took Mimi to the bathroom. As soon as I left I heard Ella started wailing and slapping. I didn't pay her attention. Mimi wiggled on the seat and scratched her butt deep. I asked her to stop, then she used seal to kiss the bathroom door. I asked her if she was done. She said 我大便完了。As this was happening, I heard the sound of the baby gate down. Some silence. And as I was wiping Mimi, Ella came in the room, wailed, stepped forward, wailed, stepped forward, then started slapping me. I slapped her hand away and asked her to calm down. She started slapping both sides of herself rhythmically, one wail, one slap. It was not too violent, but she had little tears in her eyes. Between the slaps I told her it was okay and to tell me what was wrong. She continued slapping. James came up now and took Mimi to the bedroom and fixed the gate. 
I tried to close the bathroom door so I can have some quiet time with Ella, and when closing the door scraped Ella's foot. She wailed a long wail and tears streamed down. I held her in my lap and she laid there and cried cutely. For a little bit, then stopped and cutely just laid in my arms. After some silence she said 想睡觉。I asked her what was the matter before, she repeated 想睡觉。I asked again and she repeated again. I said I was sorry she was so angry before, and next time she could tell me, and helped her up. Thinking she was angry I put her back into the bedroom before playing more. She stood and pointed and said 妈妈我找到啦。I asked her to show me where. She walked forward to the towel rack and pointed to my headband. I must have left it there when I used the bathroom a couple days ago when James had a really stinky poop downstairs. I took it and thanked her and cried. She said 妈妈你把他忘在楼上了。With her troll smile. 
I carried her to her bed and pet her head while she laid there. I put the headband on the railing on the stairs before I came in. Mimi grabbed it and excitedly said 我找到你的头绳了妈妈。I asked her to put it on my head and she did, then she excitedly ran around the room saying 我找到了妈妈的头绳儿!I said Ella found it in the bathroom, then Mimi made sure I had it on my head. Mimi said 是的!Then climbed on my bad, and said 我很喜欢你妈妈。I kissed her and she continued running. I pet Ella until she fell asleep. Saying thank you and sorry and cried a little more :( Ella laid there and let me pet her until she fell asleep, except to kick and said Mimi坏 when Mimi stepped on her bed in her hurried running a couple times. After Ella fell asleep, I tucked Mimi in. As I was doing it, Frank started whining, so I got him and came downstairs. While I was going to the bathroom, Mimi started calling so sweetly for me to go back with the sweetest 妈妈 calling. James tucked her in and she went to sleep too. 


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