04/27/2019 - saturday

After showering the girls I went downstairs to get their clothes. I came back to screams. I opened the shower door, saw a wailing Ella and a Mimi with her hand by Ella's head. I asked what they were fighting about. After a while it sounded like Mimi tried to move closer to the faucet and kicked Ella, and the argument degraded into physical violence. I reminded Mimi that if she pulled Ella's hair she couldn't watch paw patrol. The girls were silent. I asked if Mimi pulled Ella's hair. Ella said loud and clear 她没有。I asked again, same answer. I asked why was she crying, she said  Mimi要把我的眼睛拿出来。他要把我变成盲人。The girls soon made up and laughed at each other hysterically.

At night Ella and Mimi fought. The girls refused to say what they were fighting about. We seperated them. Then I asked Ella again, she said 我们为了锅吵架。I asked was it because she took Mimi's pot or Mimi took her pot. She said it was because she took Mimi's pot. I asked if Mimi took her pot, she said no. I asked her if she took Mimi's pot. She said yes. I asked if Mimi liked her pot taken, she said 不喜欢。I asked if Mimi told her that she did not like that she took her pot, and Ella said 没有。She paused, and said Mimi要把我的眼睛拿出来。她要把我弄瞎。I went to ask Mimi what they were fighting about. Mimi said hmmmm.. hmmmm... then quietly 我忘了。I asked her if it they were fighting over flower or pot. Since James found a flower by the bed, when asked if Ella wanted it Ella chucked it, and now Mimi was holding it. Mimi answered 锅。I asked if Ella took her pot or she took Ella's pot. Mimi said Ella 拿了我的锅做饭。I asked if it was a rice making pot. She said indigently 不是的。I asked her which toy was the pot. She said 是假的锅。I asked Ella, who confirmed it was an imaginary pot. I asked Mimi if they could imagine two pots, she said no there's only her fake pot. I tucked the girls in and left.


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