04/08/2019 - Monday

We went to nine way to eat. The tables had big ladle spoons, the girls immediately got them and started banging. The server gave them big bowls, I offered them quan quan and yu yu to put in the bowls. Mimi put quan quan and yu yu one by one in her ladle, then tipped it to drink, she spilled a few. She received criticizing from James. This repeated a few more times and there was a little drama with James confiscating the ladle, then eventually giving up since Mimi started throwing stuff. After I finished eating, I fed Ella noodles and she ate a looot. 

Once home Mimi found the recycle trader joe bag in the laundry room, put hai tun in there and carried it around in the laundry room making a lot of sound. I offered her a clean trader joe's bag, she proceeded. I threw another on the ground for Ella, who was eating cheese. After a bit I heard the girls fight, they were grabbing one bag. I came over and saw a bag with hai tun inside laying on the ground, so I asked Mimi why she was fighting Ella for her bag. Mimi hen! hen!'ed while slapping her legs. I looked into Ella's bag and the hai bao was there. I asked if the they switched bags. Ella said mimi你要交换么。但是我们不能。Mimi sat on the ground for a bit, then they started playing together again.

When it was time to go upstairs, we couldn't find the hai tun. Ella and I went around the house and looked. James was with Mimi in the upstairs bathroom, I called to him asking if he's seen hai tun. He didn't answer. Ella went to the stairs and screamed 爸爸你偷了我的海豚吗。James denied. I asked Ella if she put tun in a drawer, she said 是的我放进抽屉里了。Then she walked to the kitchen, slightly pausing in front of the fridge, and walked away. I asked her which drawer, she didn't say anything. I opened all the cabinets and finally found a trader joe's bag in the cabinet with the waffle maker, with tun inside. I went and found Ella swinging on the arm of my computer chair, and threw tun in her face. It hit her slightly in the face, it fell down, Ella smiled, said 谢谢妈妈帮我找到小豚。I hugged and kissed her and promised to always help her find her sea child.


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