
A little after the 3rd birthday, Mimi got pretty angry about something. James calmed her down in the morning, I slept in. We went to Redmond town center and Mimi and James had a fight about Mimi stepping in the fountain. The fight continued home and James eventually calmed Mimi down. I read a story with Ella in the meantime. Mimi came to listen to the story. I asked Mimi to apologize to James, and Mimi went back to tantruming. James calmed her down again. Mimi curled up on the couch and slept. I played paw patrolled to wake her up, she melt down again, she hit me, I asked her to hit a ball instead, Mimi hit it, it bounced on her face, she slapped it, it bounced on the couch and back to hit her face. Mimi flapped and hit it into the air, it fell down on her head. She scrambled and finally grabbed it, stood up, walked to bathroom, and chucked it in the trash. I laughed on the ground. James calmed Mimi down. Mimi somehow melted again, and the next I saw her she was naked coptering on James lap, slapping her thigh and wailing. I laughed because she looked comical, and that made James laugh. James eventually calmed Mimi down again.


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