03/12/2019 - tuesday
Today was the girls' birthday, so we went to regene. We picked them up from bright horizons. The girls had no pee, Ella kept asking for water. We went to the reception to get some whole wheat crackers. Mimi opened her arms and said 抱我抱我。I took a cracker and gave it to her, she said 把这个坏饼干放回去。抱我抱我。I put it back, and offered her the basket. She said 把它放回去。抱我。I held her, she carefully poked at the cracker, and got two, said 一个给姐姐可以吗。I said of course, she ran to Ella, who had been standing in the hallway waiting for James to come back from getting their bag. Mimi offered the cracker a few times, Ella looked at it without interest, then eventually took it.
We went to the car, gave the girls water. Mimi started eating the cracker, Ella said she didn't ant it opened. On the way to Regene, Ella whined and asked for 把饼干打开。James asked her why she didn't want it opened before we started driving. Ella said 我要在家里吃。We informed her we were not going home yet. We soon got to Regene. I opened the cracker package, the cracker was cracked in the middle so became 4 pieces, she ate one piece, and held the other three in one hand. We went in Regene, Ella said 我吃蛋糕@#$@这三个留着回家吃。We informed the girls they need to finish their main course first. We sat down and Ella ate the crackers slowly. Mimi asked if she could have some. Ella refused. Although yesterday when the girls split the fortune cookie and Ella finished first and asked Mimi to share, Mimi gave Ella a huge piece.
We got 咸鱼鸡粒豆腐煲 and roast duck noodles. When the salty fish pot came out, Ella took a big sniff, said 闻到了,took another big sniff, said 我闻到了。I asked her what she smelt, she said 我闻到了大便的味道 happily with a hard nod. James offered her some, she said it was not for little people. James broke a small piece of tofu, Ella tried then spit out, said 太咸!
The girls chomped slowly on rice and single strings of egg noodle. James and I disciplined them a lot about not sliding down, and reminded them a lot about there'll only be dessert after finishing main course. After a while we gave up and stated there will not be dessert, the girls whined a little, but wouldn't eat more when asked, and after a couple more statements of no dessert, they seemed to be ok. We were a little sad. The waitress came for clean up, said 都吃好了啊。Mimi said 都吃好了。James, me, and the waitress said together 你那里吃好了。Mimi plopped down on ba ba's lap and bawled. Ba ba sweetly comforted her. Meanwhile I rolled the noodles on a fork and fed to Ella, she ate a bunch more. Ba ba did the same and Mimi ate too. We got an egg tart, the girls ate happily.
Lily and Auggie came later and shared fruits and cake. The girls were very wild and refused to thank them or state how old they were. With lots of convincing they quietly said thanks. When asked to look at Auggie to say thanks, Ella turned her head and huh'ed. The girls happily ate cake, finishing almost all except some flour pieces.
At night I wanted to change pants, so I put my old pants in the laundry and walked upstairs in my panties, as I turned at the top of the stairs to go into our bedroom, I heard Mimi say hah! mama! 你没穿裤子。I looked at her, she said 爸爸看到会打你屁股的。I continued looking at her, she said 请你穿上裤子。I promised I will and asked her to not tell ba ba, she said 好的。I went to get pants.
We went to the car, gave the girls water. Mimi started eating the cracker, Ella said she didn't ant it opened. On the way to Regene, Ella whined and asked for 把饼干打开。James asked her why she didn't want it opened before we started driving. Ella said 我要在家里吃。We informed her we were not going home yet. We soon got to Regene. I opened the cracker package, the cracker was cracked in the middle so became 4 pieces, she ate one piece, and held the other three in one hand. We went in Regene, Ella said 我吃蛋糕@#$@这三个留着回家吃。We informed the girls they need to finish their main course first. We sat down and Ella ate the crackers slowly. Mimi asked if she could have some. Ella refused. Although yesterday when the girls split the fortune cookie and Ella finished first and asked Mimi to share, Mimi gave Ella a huge piece.
We got 咸鱼鸡粒豆腐煲 and roast duck noodles. When the salty fish pot came out, Ella took a big sniff, said 闻到了,took another big sniff, said 我闻到了。I asked her what she smelt, she said 我闻到了大便的味道 happily with a hard nod. James offered her some, she said it was not for little people. James broke a small piece of tofu, Ella tried then spit out, said 太咸!
The girls chomped slowly on rice and single strings of egg noodle. James and I disciplined them a lot about not sliding down, and reminded them a lot about there'll only be dessert after finishing main course. After a while we gave up and stated there will not be dessert, the girls whined a little, but wouldn't eat more when asked, and after a couple more statements of no dessert, they seemed to be ok. We were a little sad. The waitress came for clean up, said 都吃好了啊。Mimi said 都吃好了。James, me, and the waitress said together 你那里吃好了。Mimi plopped down on ba ba's lap and bawled. Ba ba sweetly comforted her. Meanwhile I rolled the noodles on a fork and fed to Ella, she ate a bunch more. Ba ba did the same and Mimi ate too. We got an egg tart, the girls ate happily.
Lily and Auggie came later and shared fruits and cake. The girls were very wild and refused to thank them or state how old they were. With lots of convincing they quietly said thanks. When asked to look at Auggie to say thanks, Ella turned her head and huh'ed. The girls happily ate cake, finishing almost all except some flour pieces.
At night I wanted to change pants, so I put my old pants in the laundry and walked upstairs in my panties, as I turned at the top of the stairs to go into our bedroom, I heard Mimi say hah! mama! 你没穿裤子。I looked at her, she said 爸爸看到会打你屁股的。I continued looking at her, she said 请你穿上裤子。I promised I will and asked her to not tell ba ba, she said 好的。I went to get pants.
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