03/02/2019 - saturday

I was eating at the counter. Mimi got her chair, climbed up, pointed at the fiber one box, said 我要这个。i asked if she wanted the fiber one rod cereal, she said 这不是条条麦片,是饼干麦片。James reported she stuck a Ritz pack in it earlier, there was no crackers in there. James served cucumber instead. The girls reluctantly ate it, while James made egg. After egg was done, with egg as a lure, Ella finished her cucumbers, and was given egg. Mimi lifted one of her cucumbers, said 他孤单。。请给他两个鸡蛋朋友。James rejected providing friend despite Mimi's repeat pleas, Mimi finally finished one cucumber.

The girls were playing in the tub when Ella started crying. When I looked, Mimi grabbed Ella's fish and threw it out, then threw her own out, then turned her head and looked at the corner. I asked them what happened, Ella kept crying for 海豚,referring the plastic long nose fish. And Mimi kept murmuring 他坏。I retrieved the fish and gave to the girls. Mimi murmured 他把我弄湿了。I asked Ella if that was the case, Ella plopped her fish in the water by Mimi, splashed more water on Mimi. The girls started another round of hair pulling. I facilitated another round of reconciliation. And then a few small rounds of fight and reconciliation followed. Ella then climbed out of the tub. Mimi whined. I warned her paw patrol was only for happy situations. She squeezed her eyes and repeated 我快乐我快乐。I asked for a happy face, she poked her cheeks, said "happy face 幼儿园"。Ella came and said "Mimi快出来吧"。Mimi said 我不能 in a low sad voice, and lowered her head. Ella repeated again. Mimi lifted her head and stood up. I asked Ella to lay down on the towel, she did, and wiggled to one side. I lifted Mimi and put her on the other side. The girls scrambled and covered themselves sharing frog towel. Both held the towel under their chin. I asked if Ella would forgive Mimi for hitting her. Ella said sorry我不应该把水泼到你的头上。I praised Ella. I asked Mimi if she'd like to say something to Ella. She said sorry 我不应该。我不应该。我不应该。。打姐姐。The girls happily watched paw patrol and got dressed.

James cut their nail. I called for the girls to do laundry with me. Ella climbed on the ladder first and got ready to receive clothes. Mimi also wanted to climb, and got kicked in the face by Ella. After some arguing and accusing, Ella quietly said Mimi 你可以上来。She said too quietly during Mimi's whining, I asked Mimi to ask Ella again. Mimi cutely asked 姐姐我可以上去么。Ella said 不可以。Mimi was distraught, James took her to snack. Ella helped me put laundry in the water. Then joined Mimi for snack.

Mimi had a tantrum claiming ba ba unfairly split cracker with Ella. James put Mimi in the other room to cry it out. When he came back, Ella said 喂不要把我的妹妹放进房间里。I told her Mimi needed to calm down a bit. Ella ran towards Mimi, said 我要去看她。她会孤单的。Mimi had gotten up to hit James, James carried her away again. Ella chased after them. I asked Ella to give them some time. She said 好吧我们去吃饭吧。And ran back to table. Mimi came back eventually. James asked her to stop crying and sit and wait for cracker. Mimi sat sniffling. Ella said 嘘。。。repeatedly to Mimi, held her finger in front of her own mouth. Mimi asked 我要吃饼干。James reached for cracker, Mimi let out a whine. James stopped and looked at Mimi. Ella said 但是她已经哭完啦。她已经用语言告诉你啦。Mimi slowly calmed down and ate a lot.


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