02/24/2019 - sunday

The girls pretend played dropping hai bao off at daycare. The daycare is the stairs, Ella would sit on a step and wait for Mimi to drop off and pick up hai bao.  In one iteration, Mimi dropped off hai bao, said 我去上班啦,拜拜。Ella held the hai bao by the side of the stairs, squeazed through the bars where mimi said bye, said in a sad whimper voice 她们总是这么说。但是爸爸妈妈去哪儿了呢。

We shopped at Costco. As soon as we entered Ella said she wanted to buy grapes. I showed her the shopping list which had peach for this week. Ella repeated she wanted grapes. I asked her if she'd like grapes instead of peach, she agreed. I said ok then lets go get grapes. Ella excitedly said 我们去买葡萄。。和哈。密。瓜。I asked her to pick between grapes or melon, she was silent for a few seconds, then said she wanted grapes. We got to the grapes, but the first three boxes I checked all were moldy. I should her the mold, and she agreed we shouldn't buy them. I was looking though the 4th box, when Ella said 好啦不用买葡萄啦。我们去买哈密瓜吧。I looked at her, she waved and said 拜拜葡萄。

The girls were eating plums. Mimi suddenly ahhhhhh ed. Ella said 你疼么。用语言告诉我。The exact words I use with the girls when they whine. Mimi lowered her head, pouted, and said 疼\/v. I have a video of her explaining she bit her lip.

I asked the girls which story they'd like me to read first. Mimi said 先讲这个 (pointing to her book), 让后讲阿莫(聪明药)的故事,然后我们上楼,然后擦lolo, 然后擦鼻涕,然后擦眼泪儿,然后brown bur (bear),不是,天黑没有brown bur。Because we lost the brown bear book.


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