02/01/2019 - friday

James left early in the morning for day of caring. I got up from my alarm, went out of the bedroom, found a Mimi sitting on the top of the stairs, quiet. James reported later Mimi was not up when he left. She looked at me, said 我不要你。I went downstairs to spit and wipe boogers. I then came upstairs, and found the girls sitting together by their door. I asked Ella what she wanted to eat, Ella yelled 要吃苹果。Mimi yelled 要吃橘子。I said I'll go downstairs now to prepare. While I was cutting the girls came into the kitchen. I left them to eat while I went to clean up.

I was cleaning something with Mimi, and heard an ehhniiii from the bathroom. I found Ella had took her pants down to her ankle, and seemed to have fell down because it twisted around her ankle. I lifted her onto the toilet. She said 不要湿湿的裤子。I touched the pants and they were wet. I asked her what happened. She repeated 不要湿湿的裤子。There was only a little bit of moisture on the floor to wipe up. I changed her pants.

The girls got ready nicely. I cut an apple and put in two cups and let them hold in the car. When we got to bella bottega, Mimi said 没有了。When we got to the daycare, Ella still had two pieces in her cup. I asked her if she still wanted them. She picked up one wedge in each hand. She chomped them while walking. The girls walked side by side behind me, almost synced on their steps. We got into the classroom and Ella started making sour face. She still snuggled up to me and poked her cheeks, with sour face and small whimpers said happy face, 饼干。The girls changed shoes. Mimi was very good, received cookie, and walked away. Ella grabbed on to me while I tried to leave, the other hand holding her cracker, with a tiny bite. After some flying kisses I left.

When I picked up the girls, they were eating bread and drinking milk. Ms haleemah made bread with them. Mimi slowly ate all the soft part, then slowly chomped down all the crust. Ella slowly ate the soft part, then chewed on the crust, but didn't seem to make any progress. Mimi said 憋不住了。Then walked to the toilet by her self. She took off her pants, then stared at the toilet. I asked her if she wanted to get on, she said 这是什么。There was a corn poop looking thing floating in the toilet. I said it was poop. I asked if she could pee on top. She said 不可以。I asked her to flush. She asked me to flush. I flushed. She went on the toilet herself from the step stool, then scooted back all the way right over the hole, and peed. She then grabbed a lot of toilet paper, but did tear off at the end. She wiped from the back, then wiped from the front more carefully sticking the paper all the way back, then scooted down. She scooted and flushed the toilet, then pulled up her pants. Ms haleemah told me it was Ella's diarrhea. Ella then said she wanted to go to the bathroom. She requested me to help her and she didn't pee or poop.


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