01/23/2019 - wednesday

Mimi woke up around 1am, cried outside of our door, continued crying for mama. She asked for wipe nose and went down. She woke again a little after 6:10, cried outside of our door, continued crying for baba. She 憋不住了 and took a big pee, then went back to bed. She came out again a little after 6:40, cried outside of our door, continued crying for baba. She asked for food and whined and wouldn't go back to bed. So I took her downstairs. She picked the blueberry yogurt and I made her a mix. She ate nicely while I cleaned up.

When I checked on her, she asked 天亮了么? I said it was a little bright now. I asked if she'd like to wake Ella. She agreed and we went up together. She yelled 姐姐,天亮了。公鸡根儿根儿了。Ella burrowed back into the comforter. Mimi made some loops and asked to go downstairs to eat, and I let her. I came back after 10 minutes and Ella came out.

Ella came downstairs, ignored my ask for going to bathroom or eat, and went straight to the computer room coffee table to read book. She then took down her pants and said 憋不住了. I requested her to go in the bathroom. She scooted with her pants down slowly all the way up the steps and into the bathroom. I put her on the toilet and she peed. While Ella was peeing, I went to check on Mimi, who'd moved to the middle of the stairs, sat on the step, and repeated ba\/ba/! ba\/ba/! 公鸡叫了。I requested her to be quieter without success. I came back to the bathroom where Ella had kicked off her pants. I wiped her butt and put her down, she refused to put on her pants, and shuffled away in small steps with bare butt. Ba ba had came down by now, and found a Mimi requesting to pee. I took off her pants and put her on the toilet. While Mimi was peeing, Ella came back and said 妈妈你坐在我的裤子上么。I was sitting on the spot where she kicked off her pants, but I had pushed the pants aside. I showed her her pants, she said 我要穿我的小裤子。我不要蜘蛛怕我的。。 And stopped talking and petted her cooter. I asked would spider crawl in her butt? She said 我不要蜘蛛怕我的屁股眼里。吃我的营养!And rubbed her tummy. We put the pants on. She ran away.

In the daycare Ella was very good. On the walk there she said she wanted to color. And yelled color! As soon as she went into the classroom. I requested her change her shoes. She kicked off her boots, got the crocs, put them on, then stuffed her boots into the cabinet. She went to sit at the table, the assitant teacher gave her a sheet, she yelled dinosaur! And diligently colored all the toes one by one inside the lines. She then went wild circling in the dinasour's tummy. Ms Haleemah came out and Ella yelled Hi Ms Haleemah! Ms Haleemah happily hi'ed her. Mimi then went to Ms Haleemah and gave her a hug. But by the time when we start leaving, both girls cried.

When we went to pick up the girls, Mimi looked super dazed. Ms Haleemah mentioned Mimi didn't eat because she was too sleepy. So we got a muffin at 36 cafe and split for the girls.

When we went up the stairs to the bedroom, Ella repeated 左脚,右脚。While going up. Previous nights she repeated 我上不去了。Something she used to say a month or so ago and just started again. I would then walk with her upstairs while saying 左脚,右脚。Except when I change foot, I go up one step, but she usually need to get both feet on one step while going up. Today she tried hard and went up each foot a step. On one step she said 右脚, then put her right foot on the same step. She said 哦这不是右脚。She then lifted her right foot and put on the next step, said 右脚. Then continued up. As soon as she went to bed she said 憋不住了 and looped around. I took her down.

I brought home some Microsoft cotton swabs packaged in individual blue paper packs. At night when Ella went upstairs, she grabbed some and excitedly said paypo (paper) 卡片。She gave me one, I tucked it in backup tun's fin. She tucked it in xiao tun's fin somewhat too. She excitedly went upstairs, waving the packs, repeated paypo 卡片,棍棍卡片。As she went up, she started whining and said 我的blue卡片ann. After we got to the top, she dropped xiao tun, put the cotton packages in her bed, and went out again. I asked her where she was going, she said 我去拿我的blue. I said I'll lay in bed and wait for her. I heard her tumble downstairs, then yelled 妈妈你看我的blue. She came back, and showed me more cotton packages. I asked if paypo, 棍棍, and blue 卡片 were the same things. She nodded 是的!Frank followed us in, Ella sprung out of bed, repeated go go go, apparently Frank left, she closed the door.

James came up and wanted to read brown bear. Ella hurried to the door and wanted to close it. James said please don't close it. Ella said 那狗进来怎么办。James said he'll lift the dog out. Ella looked for a bit, said 狗下楼了。Shen then said 黄蜂进来怎么办。While walked back to bed. James read a little, then Ella spotted Frank by the door and went to the door while saying 哦哦, 哦哦, and closed the door. She said 关上门苍蝇就进不来啦。while walking back. James abandoned book and we left.

Mimi still looked tired at night and had some continued whining. She calmed down when we read book and answered my questions sweetly in her soft Mimi voice. She also went down fast, didn't bargin. 


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