01/05/2019 - saturday

In the morning I asked to do Ella's hair and she started crying 要睡觉。I explained it was because auntie frankie and uncle george and little big brother collin and big little brother ethan were coming over. She continued crying. Ba ba got a drawing game but she was still distraught. I did mimi's hair and Frankie showed up. Ella started crying 要睡觉 again. This time Mimi was also tense and whimpered. I took Ella upstairs and tucked her in, left the door open. I was keeping Mimi company and chatting with Frankie when James brought a crying Ella. Ella toddled to me, said 妈妈不在楼上。I said I was talking to friends. Would she like to make friends too. She hmmm'ed and hang around me. After a bit she said she wanted to go sleep again and I took her upstairs. Mimi wanted the drawing app and I drew with her. Collin joined. After a bit Ella came by herself. She looked at Mimi's spider drawing and got excited and danced around saying gibberish English. Collin and the girls took turns drawing. They were very courteous.

When Ella was snacking, she poured water into her cheese broccoli bowl. I sternly criticized her.

Ba ba cooked noodles and chicken. I served the girls each a bowl. The girls ran around while we eat. I then noticed Ella at the table, grabbing a huge handful of noodles, stuffed in her mouth, and chewing hunched a little, over the floor. I came over right in time to catch the huge handful dropping down. I gave her a fork, she refused. I started eating with the fork. Ella demanded fork. I gave her mine. She said it was dirty and she needed a clean one. I gave her a new fork. She dutifully ate her noodles, in big bites.

I went back to the adult table. When I sat down Mimi's voice came from under the table, 妈妈你不要打扰我。I looked down at the under table Mimi. She had a slipped in her hand. She asked 这是谁的呀。 I tried matching with each foot, but she said 不是for each person. I asked whose was it then. She held up the shoe and yelled 是别人的!

After a bit Ella called ma ma nonstop. I went to her table. She said 妈妈我有些孤单。I ate at her table. She wanted water and I warned her to not pour into her food again. After a bit she stretched out her hand to me, said 妈妈你轻轻打我一下。I looked at her. She repeated, then said 我撒了一点水。I asked where, but she couldn't point out, and I didn't find any. I slightly hit her hand. After a bit, she lifted her frog cup and put it on her cheek, smiled and said 我撒了一点水。she then put the cup down, stretched out her hand, said softly 你打我一下吧。我没有撒很多水。如果你@÷×打我会哭的。I slightly slapped her.

I informed the girls Collin and co are leaving. Ella said Ella 有点伤心。Ella想念她的朋友。We were saying goodbye at the door, Collin was reading a book on the floor. Ella said to him, high five. Collin ignored her, she repeated a few times. I asked Collin if he's like to high five. He happily raised his hand, Ella said high five 海豹。And tried to raise hai bao hand. Collin didn't get it. Mimi came for high five and they had a good high five. Collin then high fived me. Ella said high five 海豹 again, I helped her raise the seal's hand properly. Collin high fived it. The girls looked out the door at frankie and co leaving, until their car was gone. Waving bye bye intermittently.

Lao lao reported last week Mimi peed in her pants at least once a day. She went to potty diligently today. She used to say sometimes, actually quite rarely, 我要穿尿布。And then we knew to take her to the bathroom. Today I heard her say 我憋不住了 the first time. She took a huge poop. After poop I gave her blueberry. Ba ba asked for a hug. Mimi said 我吃完蓝莓再给你。

At night I laid with Ella. I hugged hai tun while laying on blake tu. A couple nights ago Ella asked 海豚怎么叫。I said burrrrr. She loved the sound and cackled every time I made it. Tonight she asked again, I said bur bur burrr in the tune of bai long ma. She asked 你在说什么。I sang again. She laughed crazily. She said 我要ab burrr. And then 我要jingle bur. We sang for what felt like 5 minutes, until ba ba led a very bargainy Mimi up the stairs after many bargins.


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