12/28/2018 - friday

At noon ba ba caught Ella ENNN and put her on the toilet, she took a shit. We gave her a piece of candy. Mimi asked for candy. We put her on the toilet, she couldn't pee. We said no pee no candy. She whined 可是我尿不出来。And became more and more inconsolable.

After nap we put Ella on the toilet and she took another pee. After seeing the pee go flushed in the adult bathroom, she slowly strolled to me, said in a tiny voice 妈妈我上厕所啦。所以我可以吃糖吗。Lao lao broke the candy into many small pieces and I gave ella one.

The girls both saw haibao on the ground and headed to it at the same time, with mimi grabbing haibao a little earlier. A fight ensued. I said for ella to wait because mimi got to haibao first, and mimi will be done soon like usual and she'll get her turn. Mimi said "我玩儿完了。给你。" Threw haibao in the air towards ella. Ella picked it up and stress kissed it. Played with it happily.

In the afternoon, grandpa was sleeping in the play room. Ella went to him and bat at him, said 我要上厕所我憋不住了。Grandpa got up and put her on the toilet. She took a shit. After Ella went, I considered candy but held back. Mimi still tantrumed when we tried to put her on the toilet. I asked if she'd like to try for a reward. Ella came and asked in a small voice 我在厕所里大便了我有奖励。I gave her a small piece of candy. Mimi didn't go.

We were eating tang yuan and she said 我憋不住了。 I put her on the toilet, she still fought, and didn't pee. After a bit she said 我尿完了。 I got her up. She said 我不会打扰你的。我不会尿在地板上的。我也不会尿在那个地板上的。And pointed at the floor she peed on earlier in the day.

At night mimi started crying immediately after music started. Lao lao comforted her while ba ba and I got ella upstairs. A little after we settled the girls and came down. Mimi started calling lao lao. Ba ba went to check, I heard mimi yell "姐姐痒痒。" ba ba gave ella some lotion and came down.


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