12/27/2018 - thursday

In the night Ella cried and I went to check. She calmed down and I laid beside her. After a bit she went horizontal and wiggle kicked. I looked and she was grabbing haibao from mimi's side. Mimi was awake and trying to drag haibao back. I convinced ella to let go of haibao and left. The girls slept till morning.

We tried to potty train the girls. The girls wouldn't pee in the toilet. They wanted to come into James and my carpeted bedroom to play. I requested they try pee once before going. They took turns sitting on the toilet saying 尿尿尿尿尿,while tightening their tummies, no pee came out.

We went into our bedroom. I said I wanted to pee, and squatted on the carpet, Ella said 不可以不可以要去马桶大便。 I said it was just a pee, and squatted in the bathroom floor, the girls said 不可以 again. I sat on the toilet with my pants on and asked if it was right, Mimi started saying 可以。Ella said 不可以裤子会湿的。 Looks like they did get the concept.


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