12/21/2018 - friday

In the morning a little after 2:10 Ella started crying. I checked on her, she cried and said 我要喝牛奶。Once we got out of the door, Ella stopped and said 冷,要抱。I carried her down, she was so happy and kissed me nonstop. She even turned my head to kiss both cheeks. I heated her milk and gave to her. She took sip, and handed it back to me, said 放进冰箱里。让他冷一下。我一会儿再喝。I added some cold milk, she took a few sips, and handed it back to me again. Said again to cool it in the fridge. I put it back. Ella stretched out her hands, said 我要上楼。I carried her upstairs. She said 妈妈在旁边睡。I laid beside her and really fell asleep. She awoke again later, cried for 喝奶。I asked her to drink later. She asked for 盖被。I tucked her in. And went back to bed. It was a little after 4 then.

We went to the light festival on the way to surrey. Half way through, Mimi said 圣诞老人呢。圣诞老人藏起来了。圣诞老人藏在哪儿呢。There was indeed only one santa at the entrance and no more.


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