
In the morning Ella tantrumed, cried 要睡觉。 I carried her to the car and strapped her in. She said in a whimpering void 要花被。I got her blanket from upstairs and put it on her in the carseat. She cackled and was happy the whole way. Mimi whined and was unhappy because the lack of her blanket. Ella started crying when we got to daycare.

We went to the thai restaurant in RTC. The server gave us 3 menus. Ba ba, me, and mimi took the menus. Ella started saying 没有菜单。 And getting whiny. I gave her mine. She slapped it away, said 我要自己的菜单。she whined a bit, then said 爸爸有菜单。妈妈有菜单。mimi有菜单。只有大公主没有菜单。After ordering food, ella slipped down from the bench and looked around. She then grabbed my hand and said she wanted a menu. I asked where was menu. She pointed at the server by the computer. I asked her to aske him for a menu, she hmmm'ed and chatted with me about the possibility a bit, but eventually too shy to go. I went with her and asked for a menu. She got one and was super happy and came back to the table.

I read the ella tu and mimi tu story. Ella grabbed the Regene cake knife, not sure from where, had it in her hand while listening to me read. Ba ba came and was surprised by the knife, said in english ella has a knife. Ella said 爸爸说什么。 I said ni you yi ge knife. Ella looked at her hand with the knife for a good 5 seconds, then yelled 刀oooo! Mimi yelled Mike! I said knife. Mimi said "knife. Mimi 以为是 mike 呢。"

We started reading the story. The bunnies started drawing a picture with a sun. Mimi said 用刀戳一下太阳吧。看能不能戳破。Ella poked the sun lightly with the knife. Mimi yelled the cute
ah!", then  戳破了!

At night, Ella laid on bed and said in her cute squeaky voice 我要lo, 我要抹lo. At first I didn't understand her and ignored the babble. She said 我的脸蛋儿有一点儿疼。 I finally understood and went and got lotion. She gave a big smile the whole time I lotioned her. Her cheeks were really a little dry.

After ba ba said goodnight, Ella said 妈妈你亲亲我吧。I kissed her 3 times, when I went for the 4th, Ella said 亲够了。你只能亲三下。


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