
I was still very sick today. In the afternoon I wanted to nap with Ella. I laid on the blake tu with her. I saw ba ba laid down with mimi too. Mimi started raging. Ba ba laid there, folded my Jake pajamas in a pillow. I asked ella to give the yellow duck to ba ba as pillow. Ella dragged the yellow duck all the way to ba ba ftom the wall to the middle of the dining room. She then pushed it against ba ba's head repeatedly trying to get it under. Ba ba rejected it. Ella said 这不是你的。这是妈妈的衣服。And started dragging at baba's Jake pillow. Ba ba gave Jake to ella. Ella started coming to me with Jake. I asked her to give th duck to ba ba. Ella started pushing it against ba ba head again and ba ba rejected again. Ella then dragged jake and duck all the way back to me.

I fell asleep, Ella got up and wilded. When I coughed, she would say 妈妈喝茶。 And went to her table and drink some from her blue bottle, then bring Mimi's pink bottle to me, said 妈妈喝点茶,你会感觉好一些的。I always pulled myself up to drink some because she was too cute, but I couldn't open my eyes at the end. The last time I woke up finding the bottle by my eyes like an eye mask.

I went upstairs and laid on the guest bed. Mimi already fallen asleep on her bed. After a little bit Ella came, crawled slowly from the foot of my bed to my head, rubbed my glasses on my face. I'm not sure how she got them, I thought I put them by the computer downstairs. Ella said 妈妈天亮的时候要看见。I said I didn't need to see anymore and laid on the bed with my eyes closed. I heard Ella opening the drawer by the head of the bed repeatedly, loudly. Then she stuffed a bed bunny in my hands, that I laid by my head. After a while she took it. After a while she stuffed it back. After a while she came to take it, I grabbed onto it tight. She opened the blanket, pulled on my finger one by one to open my hand and took the bunny. She continued to open and close the drawer loudly. After a while ba ba came and took her. I fell asleep.

I woke up at 3:30, went downstairs and checked chat, and saw E asking if we were meeting at 4 and R possibly had left. We frantically messaged and we were to meet at 5. Since we were picking up katsu burger we hurried to get ready. I woke Mimi up, she cried and sat and twisted left and right. I played 小跳蛙 for her, she cried and sat and twisted left and right. Ba ba played shiny from Moana and she cheered up, laughed and yelled 螃蟹. After the video I asked her if she was ready for car ride, she said 好的。。我要拿着甜饼干。 I went to the kitchen and got her the granham crackers, she cackled. She went in the carseat without a fuss. When we drove out, she yelled 再见圣诞老人! to the blow up santa doll in the neighbour yard.

We went to E's and had made up birthday party. Before icecream cake I started coughing a fit, so I went to the bathroom. Ba ba reported Ella said "mama wash hands" to E. When eating cake, Ella was super excited and laughed all the time. She yelled "haaapyyy birthdaay baaaa baaaaa".

R brought the aloe honey drink from sharetea. I spooned the aloe for the girls. Mimi started pointing to the bottom of the cup, repeating "黑球儿" nonstop. E wondered if she was saying hate you. I gave one to Mimi, and Ella asked for one too. They loved them and kept requesting black balls. On the drive home I asked if they liked aloe better or black ball better, Ella said 喜欢黑球儿。。。和芦荟。 Mimi yelled 喜欢黑球儿!

Ella fell asleep on the way home. I carried her to the changing table, she started kicking, tantrumed said 我不要!我要在楼下!我要当虫的妈妈!Referring to her butt worms (microbes) that were supposed to have birthed from her pee and poops. I asked her to pee in the new diaper to make new worms. She seemed to accept it and let me put on new diaper. After lifted her, she smirked and said 我马上在尿里生出虫宝宝。

We turned off the lights. Ella said 嗯。。我有一个问题。I asked her what question. She said 小软兔的问题。I said the soft bunny is probably upstairs. She said 小软兔是楼下的小软兔。 We went upstairs and found the soft bunny in the bedroom. Ella said 我要重新拿小软兔。I asked if she wanted to put the bunny downstairs and come back up, she confirmed. We went downstairs together. Ella stood on the bottom of the stairs not moving, I asked her where she'd like to put the soft bunny. She said 我要抱小软兔重新上去。 We went back upstairs, she crawled into bed.


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