01/04/2019 - friday

I was making yogurt mix for the girls. Mimi said 要蓝莓酸奶, I showed her my strawberry yogurt, she repeated 要蓝莓酸奶。After some time she started her ENN grunts and air slaps, I mimiced her ENN grunts and air slaps, which angered her more. I put the bowls on the table. Ella ate a bite, said 你们吵架了么。I said yes. She asked 你们和好了么。I said no. Mimi ran to the table, took a bite, said 我喜欢吃草莓。And looked at me. I asked if strawberry was ok to replace blueberry. She said 是的。。。我们以后不吵架了。

At the end of the night ba ba came to play with the girls. I wanted to take the opportunity to pay Ella's doctor bill and opened my computer. Mimi de de de ran into the computer room, said 妈妈你原来不在大便。She said 我累了。While crawling onto James's chair. She sat on it, looked at my screen, said 在凳子上看下电视就不累了。


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