01/01/2019 - tuesday

After getting mod, when we went into the car, Ella really wanted to get the hai bao. I set a timer to 3 minutes and asked hai bao to change hands when the alarm sounded. After the first time I gave Ella the drawing box, and asked her to prepare a gift for the haibao when it returned. Ella drew a bunch of filled circles, said they were 饼干。After she drew a few she cerned and said in the cernest voice "海豹为什么不来吃呢。饼干在盘子里呢。" It was then Ella's turn to hold hai bao. She pushed haibao's face into her drawn cookies while saying du der der dur du and making the vicious face. She suddenly stopped and said 海豹有点儿尴尬。I asked her why. She said 应为饼干不好吃。海豹说你。。不吃生的饼干。Then went back to pushing haibao's face into the drawn cookies again while duderderdu ing.

On the next turn Ella requested hai bao knock on the door. Mimi didn't want to draw after the 3rd turn, it got dark very soon and Ella gave up drawing too, but kept the papers because they were her books that she read to hai bao. On one of the turns Mimi wouldn't let hai bao go, when I requested, she said it was cold outside and hai bao had to put on clothes. We pretend put clothes on her and Mimi let haibao go. I put on clothes when haibao left Ella too, and Ella said 把拉锁拉上 before letting haibao go. Ella said 尴尬 a lot, either haibao was 尴尬 because he missed hai bao ba ba and was lonely, or he didn't like something. Or Ella was 尴尬 because she missed hai bao and was lonely.

We did the switch all the way to trader joes. Although the last couple was hard to make the hai bao switch hands, both girls had one thing after another to do for hai bao before giving him up, like putting on clothes, taking a shower, helping do laundry.

Trader joe's was closed so we went to whole foods. Ella asked what happened, I said because it was new years, trader joe closed. After I got her out of the car, Ella held my hand and ran towards the door, said 快点快点新年要到了。


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