12/22/2018 - saturday

Mimi started bawling around 2. She writhed on the ground, very loud, so I dragged her into the bathroom. After a few minutes, I opened the door, Mimi cried "花被被。" I showed her her blue flower blanket, she reluctantly came back to bed. She asked for ba ba, I said he was sick and couldn't open his eyes, Mimi said "爸爸在地牢里睡觉呢。"

Sometime after 5 Mimi started bawling again. I went to their room, Ella was sitting in bed trying to dodge Mimi's kicks, who had gone horizontal with legs on Ella's pillow. I put Mimi in the bathroom again. She again asked for hua bei bei. I lifted her blanket and she crawled back. When I went to leave Ella asked me to sleep beside her. I did and fell asleep soon. I woke up with Ella crawling on me laughing. I left.

Sometime after 6 Ella started crying, ba ba went to get her. I heard her cry for ma ma and went into the room. Both girls perked up and ran out of the room. They came downstairs to wild, and lao lao and lao ye came to get them. I went back to sleep.

I got up and shaved my hair. Ella saw me and pet my hair, asked "妈妈你的头发为什么变小了。"


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